brianlocal3 Member


  • I vote jump rope. I know it seems silly and simple but it’s amazing and will really work you
  • Out standing work stud!!! How tall are you? And what kind of routine are you in? I do all BW work and uses calisthenics and jump rope for conditioning. And 5 gallon buckets, backpacks with 50lb sand bags etc. I love it. So what is your muscle building plan
  • Outstanding job troop!! Keep it up and stay focused. Just remember not to get scared to up your cals in a healthy way once you get to your GW. Alot of people freak about adding cals after staying so low for so long. Also, depending on your two jobs for an extra boost to your fat loss add in TWO or THREE. Rounds of tabata…
  • It's new fad! Research say blah blah blah. I already don't wear shoes most of the time. If I'm in the house or playing in the yard with the kids I am barefooted, but when I RUN or WORKOUT I wear my combat boots. That's just me. But yes I do laugh at the foot gloves
  • CC is a great book. Mr. Wade does a fantastic job with his progression steps. Nothing "new" but he actually lays out food solid plans for you. I have and will always be a proponet of BW work. You should look into mark laurens book called You Are Your Own Gym. Fantastic system, down to earth and very Hoorah!!!
  • Yasmin, what size bell did you buy? Atynk. What size bell do you use?
  • great job and the riding on that cruiser has got to be alot more comfortable. Outstanding job. Hydrate and Press on HUA!!!!!!!!
  • Dave brought up a good point i forgot to add. the supps are very expensive and highly unnesasary if you are just looking for weight loss and muscle retention without looking for high sport demand. take in all you need with a solid foundation on healthy eating and get your body moving is the simpilist of formulas. Also i…
  • You stole my thunder MNM lol. But seriously, that's what I would do. I would do HIIT cardio myself. Buy the body for life book, it's amazing and an eye opener. Very very attainable system and it is written for us "every day" folks.
  • according to pavel T (dont know how to spell his last name) the avg woman should start with about a 15lb kettle bell. Now that is if you will be doing a true KB workout. It is completely different then what we in the Western world know of as a work out. To use a cliche term, it is all about "functional fitness". You are…
  • I don't need to look like a bodybuilder anymore. In the service I was very into my BB routines and dieting. Heck I even competed in the show me naturals in 2002 but after I broke my back in 05 I gave that up. Now I am in decent shape and can pass pt tests no prob just want to get a little bigger. Looking for functional…
  • At your age, watch what you eat and add in 30-60 min of brisk walking a minimum of 3 days a week and it should come off relatively quick. 1-2' months no problem. Just remember that it will come back if you start to go overboard on bad eating again.
  • What service are you joining? Circuit training routines will be your best bet. Things like P90x and supreme 90, plus add in some actual runs. Not just cardio. Also down load a running cadence album to your iPod and get used to running at that speed first then when you are comfortable, add some faster runs for 30-60 sec, go…
  • Yes, I have! As mr. Phillips says in his book it is about a life change. If you are eating the way he describes you really need to be doing the exercises to help use up those calories. But the BFL program is more about learning you and your body. He has just layed it out for us normal folks to have a plan and routine. Also…
  • have it Supreme 90 Day and like it a lot. It's not as long of a workout each day as P90X. It doesn't seem to have as much plyo as the P90X infomercials imply that it has. On some of the DVDs the instructor says "do 8-12 reps", the incredibly buff people who are demonstrating go at different speeds until they're done. A lot…
  • Thank you everyone for the replies. I was looking at supreme 90 because it is only 20 bucks and it is sold at target, it looks to be as good as p90x
  • I loved it. Wonderful for adding variety to cardio. I think it worked with everything else I was doing. But just remember to push yourself.
  • Has no one used this
  • Also, do you take supplements? You are asking alot of your body so it's going to need some high quality focused fuel. I'm new here so I don't know how this site works yet, but Beverly international and complete supplements have people who will help you put together a generic diet plan and supplement stack to help you out.…
  • Give a Monday thru Friday breakdown of your weight training and cardio workouts. I don't get exactly what you are describing. Also what is your diet looking like. A simple rule on food intake I use is try to get 1gram of protien and 1gram of carb per lb of BW. keep fat to 40-50 grams daily. Adjust accordingly for caloric…
  • The biggest thing with BFL is that it is not a "program" per se to be done for 12 weeks then quit. What mister Phillips is trying to get across is that it is a lifestyle change. One which when done long enough will become second nature. I feel he has done a good job of of laying out the building blocks needed to start a…
  • I know the feeling. People do that because they are insecure, and most don't want to see another person succeed or do well because it brings to light there own shortcomings. It takes will power they don't have to make the right choices . I do not drink, not even socially, and it is not because of any high believes It's…
  • To the creators of this site..... You are doing people a great service with this site. You take the guess work out of weight loss for people.