My dog is an active hindrance to my pilates though as he likes to lie down on the mat, whilst I'm on it.:laugh:
Squirrels and rabbits are my dog's obedience kryptonite! See you in three hours, my friend!
Mine is a big motivator for me. We've got a 3 year old lab/collie cross who loves to be outside. In fact I think he is a complete reflection of our personalities- when he is outside and exercising there is no stopping him, but put him inside and that dog is going to sleep. A lot. He relies on me to look after him, it…
Wow, you inspire me! :happy:
There's nothing quite like beating your sister, at any age!
I have been having a bad few weeks, this thread has cheered me up no end! My NSV is that the other day I was asked to stay late at work for something and I said I already had a commitment. My commitment was that I have promised myself I will ALWAYS run on a Wednesday after work. Before now I would have just ditched my…
I agree about the smaller meals more often, it is supposed to be a lot better for your blood sugars, as someone whose mood is a slave to my blood sugar levels, I know that when I'm eating smaller (and with more protein) but a little more often I am a lot more pleasant to be around!
Nothing, or breathing in and out, or maybe wondering if time has stopped and that's why my lungs feel like they're going to fall out of my body but the timer I set on my mobile still hasn't gone off. Or if I really desperate, I'm singing 'something inside so strong' in my head, but since I only know some of the lyrics it…
Wow, really, there are people on this site having a go at others because they are too fit? I don't think that's what the OP was trying to do, but I can see how it touched some nerves. You learn something new every day. I guess we all need to get better at shrugging off other people's opinions then.
: :laugh:
I love a good forum discussion, everyone gets to finish with exactly the same opinions they started with, but a little bit more determined about them.
I've got no problem with the fitties either! I agree, lots of hard work involved. But being rude to some one who has basically just admitted they are feeling insecure is just not kind people! We've not all learned the art of resilience. Yay for everyone who is making the effort I say!
Give her a break people, learning to feel differently about yourself is part of the process!:smile:
Not a gym girl myself, I enjoy it more when I exercise outside. Hmm, I really don't think too much about anyone else when I'm exercising though, for every insecurity in your head you can bet they've got their own. All you ever have to do is feel proud you got off the sofa and are working hard. And if anyone else has a…
And I have broken the habit of a lifetime and not tried to do it alone- I am loving the support on here and feel like I need to check in with people who might need encouragement every day, so add some friends and keep going! (You can add me if you like):happy:
I love Chris Powell!
I agree with others kickstart, it gets easier with practice, but here are some of my useful strategies: Don't have it in the house! Buy things in smaller portion packs Identify your triggers (me, it's petrol stations when I'm driving for I need to be really good at organising food to take with me, and fill the…
15.5 inches, that's amazing!
Right there with you Chevy! I'm not interested in starving myself, I just want to live my life around food in better balance. I am shocked by how little some people are eating on here.
I used to punish myself for not extending time/distance, in between beating myself up for hurting myself! These days I set myself a rough goal, but mainly I just focus on the joy of being outside and moving around. Also, I comfort myself that an 8 minute run is 8 more minutes than a lot of people ran today!
You seem like a positive person, the more of those in the world the better! :smile:
Hi Lizziec. I am also new with a similar amount of weight to lose. I have lost weight before, on the old WW plan but couldn't get on with the newer plan . For me balance is an issue, I'm good at losing and bad at maintaining! So this time I am all about slow gentle progress and trying to make long-term changes that are…
I think it's tzastiki (not sure about spelling!) you're talking about- cucumber, mint and yoghurt , really easy to make yourself or lots of the supermarkets sell it.