New and ready to get started!

Hey everyone! So I have never posted here before, I'm new to MFP...I've been reading everyones posts and thought I would say howdy myself :) My name is Liz. I'm 30 years old, and just got married on June 7th to a wonderful man. I've struggled with weight much of my life, and also struggled with different eating disorder issues. It's very hard for me to follow a plan like Weight Watchers perfectly because it can trigger eating disorder issues for me, such as counting points can become very obsessive for me. So I'm going to to give this another go, but follow the Weight Watchers simply filling plan but use it as more of a guideline this time, along with working with my therapist along the way. I plan on sticking to the SF food list, and if I eat something non SF I'm not going to count the points because I know that can cause me to go into a non-eating mode which then ends up ruining my entire attempt at trying to lose weight in a healthy way. I will try and eat very few processed foods, as my body always feels better this was. I did lose 85lbs about a year and a half ago through eating healthily and walking. It was hard work and I really want to finish this journey and get to my goal. I'm currently at 210 and would love to get to 160. I have quite a few health problems (non weight related) to deal with such as Lupus, and hyperthyroid, so I know I have to be gentle with myself and take this one day at a time. I know this may be a lot of personal info to share but I want to feel like I am being accountable and honest with myself in this journey. So I know I am not following WW's plan to a T, I hope it's ok! Thanks everyone!


  • lizziec84
    lizziec84 Posts: 4 Member
    P.S. Feel free to send me a friend request! Would the support and to give it :)
  • gardengirl40
    gardengirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Lizziec. I am also new with a similar amount of weight to lose. I have lost weight before, on the old WW plan but couldn't get on with the newer plan . For me balance is an issue, I'm good at losing and bad at maintaining! So this time I am all about slow gentle progress and trying to make long-term changes that are sustainable. Hope you are successful in your attempts, I won't tell the WW people you are improvising with their plan if you don't!
  • twisty_
    twisty_ Posts: 16 Member
    Hello :)
    Just accepted your FR!
    We can all do with the support on our journeys & is good were all here for each other.
    Ive also struggled with my weight for best part of my adulthood, this time is the last time i want to be in this situation.
    Good luck with reaching your goals! Im sure you'll get there xx
  • patchris63
    Good morning! No one is truly in this boat by themselves, I am in a seat right beside you. I have lost weight before but have been unables to maintain. I joined this site in January but didn't really put it to use. My dr says he thinks it will be great. After taking a closer look and knowing where I need to be and want to be, it does look great. I know that ladies sometimes do much better when there is someone to cheer them...I know success is within our grasp! Best of luck to you all!