vent--There are too many skinny people at the gym



  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    So, what's the plan then, if you have to be 25 lbs overweight to join? Do people get kicked out when they reach their goal?

    Maybe OP should join planet fitness, as they seem to frown upon being in good shape.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're not allowed into the hospital until you're at LEAST one limb short and have lost 5 liters of blood. mmmmmmmkkkkkkaaaayyyy?

    The hospital for only slightly sick people is around the corner.

    I get it- it's insecurity- but it's insanely rude and childish.
    Take this with no malice because I'm not angry but the first thing I thought reading this was:
    Get over yourself. Get out of your own away- and just show up and do the work.

    no one was born super fit- super skinny or super anything.

    Show up.
    Work hard.
    Give no fks.

    that's how successful people got successful.

    You an be that person to- but you'll never do it if you think hey were given something you don't have. You're cheating them of their hard work to make you feel better. And if you continue to do that- you'll never ever be successful.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I see a butt hurt post coming in the near future.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I know that that sounds stupid but I wish someone would open a gym where you have to be at least 25 pounds overweight to join. I go to a pretty nice one and overall people are pretty nice but when you are currently proud that you know you are exercising because your stomach fat has separated into two distinct groups working out next to Joe Meat head and Trophy wife wearing too much perfume and too little clothing can just make you feel less good about being there.

    I know, I know, I am being silly and I should just ignore distractions like this but am I alone? Does anyone else feel just a little more insecure working out amongst the already insanely fit?


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You're 40. Time to be an adult.

    Age doesnt have anything to do with this at all.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    You're 40. Time to be an adult.

    What does feeling insecure have to do with being an adult.. Everyone has them, at least at some point or another.

    Let's build people up.. not tear them down.
    Yeah build people up by labeling them as "joe meat head" and "trophy wife"
  • gardengirl40
    gardengirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    I've got no problem with the fitties either! I agree, lots of hard work involved. But being rude to some one who has basically just admitted they are feeling insecure is just not kind people! We've not all learned the art of resilience.

    Yay for everyone who is making the effort I say!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Give her a break people, learning to feel differently about yourself is part of the process!:smile:


    How understanding would people be of this post:

    "I'm tired of fatties at the gym. I'm trying to get my pump on, not stare at some land whale sweating all over the elliptical."

    We'd lambaste that person, as well we should. Because it's rude. Don't say "I hate feeling judged for being overweight, so I just want skinny people to go away."

    I do not abide hypocrisy. That's just poor manners. Regardless of weight.
    I briefly considered starting a faux thread that had that title

    "VENT- there are too many fat people at my gym"

    But I'm already had warnings- I'm not trying to get banned.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    I know, I know, I am being silly and I should just ignore distractions like this...

    Yes. That sums it up. However, we are all human. I get annoyed at others' appearance from time to time. People have a right to look how they want, so it is my issue, my silliness that it is bothersome. When I see fat people at work with plates piled up on donut day I want to tell them to stop it. But it is their right to be a fat *kitten*. I saw a hipster in Chipotle today and wanted to tell him to stop it. Pick a different look. But that is my issue. He has a right to look stupid.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    You're 40. Time to be an adult.

    What does feeling insecure have to do with being an adult.. Everyone has them, at least at some point or another.

    Let's build people up.. not tear them down.
    Couldn't agree more with this sentiment. Calling people "Joe Meathead" and "Trophy Wife" for existing in the gym... That's pretty despicable, alright.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    just show up at the gym with your headphones and focus on your workout. you will soon get used to the environment.
    you can do it.

    p.s not every slim person who goes to the gym is fit. Everyone goes to the gym for all different reasons.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i never notice slender or athletic people at the gym... or as a rule any people. btw, a gym that only had overweight people would have less customers, which would mean they'd have to charge more, so no thanks.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    You're 40. Time to be an adult.

    What does feeling insecure have to do with being an adult.. Everyone has them, at least at some point or another.

    Let's build people up.. not tear them down.
    Couldn't agree more with this sentiment. Calling people "Joe Meathead" and "Trophy Wife" for existing in the gym... That's pretty despicable, alright.

    So because she did it, its okay for us to?
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I understand the insecurity. Unfortunately, by posting this you are going to receive an enormous amount of unsympathetic, snarky and probably rude replies from those who have already determined you are an inferior "special snowflake." I hope not though.

    Move to the midwest.

    My gym, OH GOD, I mean my "fitness center" is inhabited by weeble wobbles. We all get along fine.

    Haha- "weeble wobbles"! My 'fitness center' sounds much the same! Actually, it's a good mix that runs the gammut, with the seniors probably beating all other segments out. Can't blame them though, the facility and the staff are stellar.

    But yeah, OP, it's just you being silly and insecure (which you recognize) so you can continue to compare yourself to Joe Meathead and trophy wife, or you can use them as motivation. The latter is probably going to get your closer to your goals.

    As others have noted- more likely than not, the aforementioned people have their own insecurities to battle. It's so easy to look at someone smaller than ourselves and think how easy it must be, or to wish we had their body, but the reality is that *everyone* has things about themselves they'd like to change. You do you, and let them worry about themselves.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I don't think you were being rude at all, like basically everyone above me seems to think. I'm sure there are tons of people who think that way as well and just won't admit it like you did. You weren't being rude, just stating an insecurity. I know how it is, you feel that all the skinny people are judging you, but I can't almost promise you that most of them aren't. I thought that way too... until I became really good friends with a super skinny model like girl and my whole idea of skinny and super beautiful people judging me all the time began to change. There are probably a lot of people there who admire you for working towards something, and maybe some of them were where you were once upon a time.

    Luckily, the gym that I go to has a really good mix of people. I go the last hour to hour and a half before they close and I see old retired people, I see young people, I see fit people and not so fit people (me being one of those!), so I don't feel as my gym is all full of super fit people like you.

    Maybe try talking to them (I haven't conquered the idea of talking to anyone at the gym before, but I guess it's pretty common??) and you'll learn that you aren't being judged all the time?

    Good luck! Sorry for all the rude comments before, it wasn't fair of them when you were just stating an insecurity and concern.

    So it is not rude to refer to people as "Joe Meathead" and "trophy wife"?

    I am pretty sure that a lot of us can relate to the insecurity, I know I can. I just don't agree with the insulting others part.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member

    You think you should be allowed to discriminate against people who have bodies that make YOU uncomfortable?? Really?? Really?? Ten to one if you tried to join a gym and they told you you were "too fat" and that watching you work out might make the skinny members of the gym uncomfortable, you'd be alllllll sorts of offended. Do you want skinnny people to have different stores and restaurants and sidewalks and water fountains? Grow up and stop worrying about other people.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    You know, each one of those people didnt magically appear in that great shape/fitness level. They literally worked their butts off, just like you will have to. Just like every person has to if they want anything worth having in life. They are there showing you that it is possible. If any other person has achieved it, so can you. So can I.

    And just the opposite is true, too. Anyone can slide into apathy and let themselves go. Every day, we are all just one choice away from better or worse, giving up or giving our all, marinating in negativity or choosing an attitude of gratitude that we are blessed with one more day where we get to choose.

    What will this day bring? Choose wisely.