

  • Hmm - well if you go to their website - into events, on the calendar theres an entry on the 8th that says Paleo Challenge. There are def things I probably won't give up - other then gum - but everything else will sort of be treated as a treat and one a day or every other day.
  • So from the hours of 1-7 I watched the games on ESPN2 ... ate plenty of veggies/fruit ... hell I even banged out some burpees and airsquats I was so excited.
  • CrossFit Oahu has stared one - and they have a downloadable guideline for their challenge ... I have no idea other just eat paleo for 30 days ... on theirs they have some type of penalty system, with points or something (haven't read the whole thing yet)…
  • IT'S A FUNCTIONAL *$&%$*^%#*&$ MOVEMENT!!!!!
  • Snoopy brought up a great point - take the time to warm up, whole body and specific muscle area that you're lifting. Stretching and warming up those muscles are important!
  • It can go either way - if I do them in the same gym visit I do weights then cardio. If I crossfit and then go to the gym I just lift (crossfit is usually in the morning). You need to find what works for you - either doing 2 a day's or lifting then cardio and vice versa. I prefer to lift first so that I'm not fatigued and I…
  • Christy Phillips was at our box today, maybe her husband or boyfriend too (not sure), said I was a huge fan ... and apparently a total dork. But yeah she made strict press, push press, and jerks look super easy.
  • thought this was interesting
  • Lets look at the olympic lifts used through out crossfit ... yeah by name you may not know what they are, I only knew squats and stiff legged dead lifts when I started; but let's see how they play out in daily life. For starters - lifting anything up off the floor, clothes baskets, children, luggage, dead patients, hurt…
  • Many but not all. The internet is free. Go to a library. Or starbucks and use your smartphone.
  • Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group,…
  • I'm pretty sure is a free website where they post the workouts, that you can read, for free, complete, for free, and get your burn in, for free. Also, you can find any affiliate, read their website, and do their work outs for free. FRRREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Pass the koolaid with rum in it.
  • How did you deal with cravings? Fighting them off, so to speak. I'm going incorporate a cheat meal once a week to help with my sanity. I'm actually starting, well now, since I'll be on vacation I want to get a head start, especially if I come up short the week I'm gone.
  • Great! I hope you can share some wisdom ... Other then the straight veggies/fruit/meat I still struggle. I'm in Hawaii from 1/8-1/15 so that may be a rough patch for me. I'm trying to start ahead of time to be able to go strong
  • Planet Fitness - $20 a month, usually no sign up fee (or sometimes it's $1); great hours, free training, and the 'Black Membership' allows you to use any facility. Gold's/LA Fitness/YMCA - More expensive (which we all know doesn't mean better quality) usually charge sign up fee plus additional dues - offers classes (but…
  • Building some muscle, whether it be from crossfit or following a 'bodybuilding plan, may be your best option. We can only give you options since we don't know your whole story. I was, and still am slightly, a skinny fat. I fell into the trap that I was going to bulk and spent countless hours running - which can make you…
  • Looks like it's just us! ha
  • I've been crossfitting since the July; I belong to a box instead of doing it on my own. I'm coached, every day I go in. And prior to going to normal "WODs" (workout of the day) I had to take/complete beginner/onramp classes. Once you're proficient in the olympic lifts and some other movements you can attend the regular…
  • I've been crossfitting/WODing since July - I originally supplemented it with lifting and my half marathon training, but I pretty much switched completely to crossfitting 5-6 days a week. A typical day at the box is spent warming up, stretching mobility (whole body and area specific to the work out or whatever is tight),…
  • oooh no!!! NOT ZUMBA!! Is crossfit koolaid found in the same bottle of Power's Whiskey?
  • Glad you tried it and could form an honest opinion. Thank you!
  • Crossfit works for her, giving her the results she wanted ... there for she is in the best shape of her life because of crossfit. If i lived somewhere with sweet *kitten* slopes, I'd be in the best shape of my life because I'd spend it snowboarding. So you're saying running works for you, crossfit works for her. No one is…
  • You don't have to pay to do crossfit ... yeah Rebook has come into the picture for the games as a sponsor and sell clothing/shoes/hats but that doesn't mean you have to purchase them. That'd be like saying I buy UA so right away I support University of Maryland ... except I'm a 'Heels' fan. You have to pay to go to the Y.…
  • Yeah I was kind of offended, but it was sort of truthful ... I check back every now and then because it entertains me. There's another one, his buddy, that has a blog; same tone but they both crossfit. They question the "eliteness" which I kind of like. Back up what you're going to preach. I'm going to Ewa Beach on Oahu -…
  • So looking at the other end of the spectrum ... you're a runner ... there are COUNTLESS risks with running, and essentially isn't necessary to your everyday life. But you choose to do it, correct? What if you don't have the correct running shoes? What if you don't run correctly? What if your shoe comes untied, you trip,…
  • Better off at a planet fitness? So you can get free pizza? Oh, yeah it's a vegetable now. My bad.
  • "crossfit box jumping thing" ... it's called plyometrics. It's not just a crossfit thing - it's a strength and conditioning for athletes. The thing with CrossFit is it's scalable to anyone of any fitness level. If you can't jump up onto a 20 inch box, you use the 12 inch box. There is risk in anything you do.
  • As it was stated before - crossfit is not for everyone. If you don't take the time, check your ego, and learn the correct movements you can injure yourself. Same with Zumba, Insanity, P90x, walking your dog. This isn't a place to go and bash peoples choices; unless you personally experienced crossfit you can not accurately…
  • I'll try it in the blender bottle then putting it in a regular water bottle. My guess I'll go back to ON - just sucks because this was a huge container! I have a habit of buying grape flavored things too. I manange to get it down but it's not my favorite. The ON was a much better taste.