

  • CW: 170.6 This week has went really fast for me and not so good either. I was starting to lose the "will" but after reading your posts I'm getting motivated again. Guess I should have logged on more! I've done good with staying under on my calories but not good with the exercise. My mini goal this week is to lose 2 lbs,…
  • I'm not sure why this happens but last time I lost a lot of weight (before I gained it all back... let's not go there) I would weigh everyday. I noticed that Mon and Tue I would gain weight and then by Thur I would loose 1-3 lbs. It's strange but I ended up making Thursdays be my weigh in day. Of course, before I was doing…
  • I'm just trying to learn how to quote properly... figured it's best to learn here. lol
  • Mornin' everyone! It's Friday... I was hoping to have lost all the extra weight I had gained last week but didn't. However, I'm feeling much better and have been active all week so I'm happy :happy: I have been doing pretty good with the water challenge. Getting 60-80oz a day and that's much better than before. CW: 170.2…
  • Cris, I love the information about water you gave us. It was very enlightening. I've given up soda and don't usually drink anything but water... however, I've noticed I don't drink enough water. This is a great challenge! A little more information on water: In the book "You On a Diet" they say, "Don't confuse thirst with…
  • It's been a busy day today! I'm so glad I didn't forget to log on. It hasn't been the best of starts for me but things are getting better. CW (week 2): 172 So I've gained a few pounds but really that's no surprise. It means I'll have to work my butt off next week! And considering how far I'm behind on house work, that…
  • I'm sad to say I did not complete Heather's challenge. :frown: I'm still having trouble with constant dizziness. Going to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully will get back to normal very soon. Meokk, your challenge is very interesting. I'm really hoping I can do it! I'm very frustrated right now because I really want to get…
  • I have the DVD and I'm trying to make it routine. I would recommend it! It's harder than I thought it would be. Good Luck!
  • Hello Ladies! I want to say thanks for keeping me motivated! I read all the posts and I'm excited to be part of this group!! SW: 176 CW: 169.8 GW: 135 (but honestly would be happy at 140, guess I'll decide when I get closer) Mini Challenge: Lose 5 lbs by May 1st Heather, I started your mini challenge Wed. and I can already…
  • Wow! This sounds great! I want in!!!
  • Sounds like fun! This is just what I need so I'm in.