Spreyton22K Member


  • Oooh.....you cheeky sausage - He shoots, he scores. Another blow for the inhabitants of the forgotten State. :o
  • ^^^^Ooh yes I like that one..... Except I may need help with the complicated counting......seeing that I come from Tassie and all :p .....might have to engage the 2nd head or get a kissing Cousin to help me. lol ;)
  • Yes, certainly reading is fundamental ;) I would find it easier though if there was one standard of counting/labeling for portion sizes, also here we have the 'traffic light' measurement too on some packaging and for me that just confuses me all the more. First World problem....I suppose, ....but I am surprised by how…
  • Just a shout out to the fellow Aussies on this thread - does the use of kilojoules in preference to calories on the packet throw you much? ....I must admit if they do use Kj instead of calories I find that a bit extra frustrating in working out amounts....
  • ^^^^ Merkavar you could try singing "Pass the Choccy on the left hand side......" Ew....to everything about the Heart Attack Grill. There seems to be quite a few fatalities linked with this business....I guess each to their own but Oh My.....8,000 calories for a burger and endless chips.
  • ^^^I just HAD to look up about the comment about the Heart Attack Restaurant...... Honestly, I thought it was a joke....OMG :o .....are there any still opened after all the deaths etc???? ....and couldn't agree more about difficult to understand the context of nutritional and calorific content in packaged foods and plus…
  • There are as many reasons for overeating as there are people but what jumps out at me (and had included me) is the high percentage of people who are using food to self-medicate; either anxiety, depression or the plethora of emotions we experience throughout our lives that at the time feel overwhelming. Food does activate…
  • Hgreiner2015, Dry brushing is using a shower brush with either bristles or loofah style before you get in the water. The principle behind it is to give yourself a vigorous but not painful massage to help stimulate circulation. I did do it....not everyday and probably that is a better way to go as you could damage skin…
  • Hi there, I went from 268 lbs to 110 lbs I did do it over about 2 years but I a hellova lot older than you 52 and thankfully I have very little issue with sagging/loose skin. I think taking it slow is really helpful, staying well hydrated too, keeping up with extras such as a good moisturizer, maybe try dry brushing to…
  • Well.....don't want to put a dampner on the 'vego' plans, but Smithy's lipid profile went to *kitten* when we went completely vegetarian I don't know if we were 'doing' wrong but it improved when we went back to a more omnivore diet....without him having lost any significant amounts of weight..... Sorry about the delays…
  • ^^^Struth!!!! That sucks about the numbers going up, despite a healthy weight. The other thing too that does factor in (I'm not sure how much TBH) is sex. Our Doc. was not really concerned when mine went up too, despite weight not being a factor - He basically said women can 'safely' handle higher numbers than men.…
  • Tomatoey.....I can give you our experiences with cholesterol levels, it maybe anecdotal but at least it's another perspective. Hubby has struggled with his numbers for quite a while....and trying to find answers for the layman via Google is a minefield of contradictions.....I know I think I went temporarily insane 'trying'…
  • 999tigger is on the mark. Maybe you are trying to make too many changes all at once. Get your logging under control, buy food scales and use them.... In regards to your intake as well.....calorie deficit for weight loss and please resist the urge to go for the biggest loss per week as it may leave you feeling deprived.…
  • Firstly, let me say I am sorry that you are suffering with these conditions. I have Lupus, Central Sensitization (since 1997 @ 35 years old) and a plethora of added in side issues, including CFS. Whilst I cannot know your personal struggles I do have empathy for the extra difficulties that come with chronic illness and…
  • OP - just a few other thoughts that may or may not help. Lack of sleep and migraines often go together.....making sure you get adequate rest can improve the frequency and severity of the attack. I make sure I am prompt with dealing with any signs of an impending attack: ie. don't hang about with taking meds. if you feel a…
  • ^^^ Well yes that certainly can be a factor and if you are having regular incapacitating migraines then for sure an elimination diet is something to seriously consider. I do believe though for many, including myself that migraines occur when many factors come into play, to make a 'perfect storm' scenario. I am happy that…
  • I feel like I have suffered with headaches ALL my life - they migrated into your classic migraine style in my late 20's. Now at 52 the Lupus I have been fairly recently diagnosed with does have a bad habit of manifesting as a combo of Migraine, with vasculitis symptoms and also they have decided to behave like cluster…
  • ^^^ Nah didn't get it...... :'(
  • In the beginning it was: - Intense hunger that I believe was a part of the side effects from medication that I was on. (Anti-depressants for pain control) - particularly in relation to quick calorie release carbohydrates. - Lack of knowledge - Calorie counting was more difficult before sites such as this, the computer and…
  • Definite + 1 here on seeing your own Doctor to discuss the next step from here on in regarding medication to get help with this. In the long term, certainly there is a lot you can do to help. Lowering your stress levels, increasing your hydration with water, getting in some exercise (again talk to your Doc. about one…
  • Give yourself a break..... You have had sustained success with weight loss and increasing your strength through dedicated training - a box of chocolates and a pizza does not undo ALL of that. Tomorrow IS a new day - expecting perfection and reacting with such self deprecation is a sure way of making your life much more…
  • OP it is time to REALLY (not shouting, just emphasis) work on the underlying issues that you have raised. "Part of me feels like I deserve to be unhealthy and unhappy....." You have mentioned that you sabotage your own success, find out the reasons why. Replay in your head all the awful thoughts that you have projected…
  • Well, here's my 2 cents worth. Working out till the point of exhaustion each time is a swift way to burn yourself out and quitting the routine. Yes, if you do want to do exercise that raises your heart rate to get the health benefits, go for it, but there are recommended safety guidelines of how high you should push your…
  • ^^^ This.... Comparisons with others losing weight needs to take all the the above considerations. The numbers fall where they will and it can happen as well when you look around at what people are eating....some do better with higher carbs or not, upping their protein or not....you get the picture.
  • Nice post OP....... <3 I wish I could have those insights when I first started, it would have made life so much the easier. Well done and I wish you continued success.
  • Thankyou for the feedback and I must admit that it is now a different World to the one I grew up in.....sometimes that's a good thing, others times not. I had to laugh at the comment by @Merkavar about Tasmanians and it being the only place where it would OK/common to have a conversation about breast augmentation. If I was…
  • I honestly believe that the sentiments expressed in the article are reflecting modern day attitudes that have changed over time. I'm 52......I grew up in Australia, back in my younger days, it WAS common practice for every man and his dog to make comments about weight/appearance.....looking hotter/not so hot/have YOU lost…
  • Firstly congrats on quitting..... Quitting takes courage and the emptiness left by the smoking can lead to overeating as you have found - the withdrawal effects creates a feeling within people that is pretty hard to distinguish between desire for the nicotine or hunger. You have just swapped one problem with another, which…
  • Congratulations you look wonderful and so very pretty. Wishing you all the best and continued success.