

  • Protein helps your muscles recover after lifting weights....if you are lifting try to take it asap after you are done....if you are doing cardio only wait as long as possible to eat anything 1-2 hours....I take a scoop of protein after my lifting....sometimes in the day I will have a scoop w/ my vitamins.......
  • What are you doing now??? do you work out??? Get a little notebook & write down everything u are eating & drinking.... Find a bunch of free info here & many other places to see what may have caused your gain........ join a gym...if you cant to that now just walk swim,bike what ever you can do plus cut your calories by…
    in newbie! Comment by SynDiet13 July 2014
  • You sound motivated!!! super!! & joined a gym like I did after my move.... Get to that gym 4-5 times a week & just do something!!! If they give you a free session w/ a trainer take it & see what they say....remember no one can do this for you must do it yourself !!!!
  • Over the weekend just walk or do a video on youtube maybe plan out a diet...Its easier to go to step 3 if you already at step 2...
  • At this point I would just tell him to bring you a plain fancy coffee or water see if he is just trying to flirt or something!!! Maybe try some minty mints if he does tempt you w/ sweets.........
  • Vaping is so much better...If you look at it basically a cig. is burning,,on fire & inhaling that smoke///ouch!!! w/ e-cigs it;s just vapor not smoke !!
  • Can you get to a pool.???? If you don't have one can you join a gym that has one aqua workouts are great no impact on your joints!! So size does not matter!!! best wishes Take a aqua class if thy have if not just do kicks & punches for about 20 & see if that helps get you started........
  • Great scientific exp. Thank you !! I love diet soda & drink about 2 liters a day!!! I'm losing weight & happy...When I was about 16=17 i switched from regular soda to diet & was 112 pounds!!! That's what really happens if you cut out sugar!!! but drink about a gallon of water a day too....water if you are thirsty or not…
  • Hello!!! I started to add in a quick 10 min or so ab or toning workout in addition to my gym time...look for stuff on youtube it;s like here a fountain of knowledge!!!