Should I take protein powder before or after workout?

I'm starting a new workout and I am curious about protein powder. Do I take it before or after the workout? I'm doing the 30 Day Shred so it's not like I'll be using big equipment. I want to lose weight and gain some muscle, but not bulk up.

So protein powder... Before or After workout?

Thanks for your help :)


  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    If you are comfortable eating soon-ish before a workout then before may be beneficial in a number of ways. Otherwise, take it after.

    "I want to lose weight and gain some muscle, but not bulk up."

    You can lose weight or gain muscle, choose one. And don't worry about bulking up, it's extremely hard to do so and requires an immense amount of work, especially for women. It won't happen by accident.
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    You won't bulk up from the 30 Day Shred at all.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Really makes no difference.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Lol. Bulk up?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You won't bulk up from the 30 Day Shred at all.

    This. Bulking requires... bulking (eating at a surplus), a specialized diet (lots of protein) and lifting very heavy things (varies by person). You will not bulk up doing a cardio routine.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    My question is, do you need to take protein powder? If you are getting adequate amounts through food (1g/lb of LBM is plenty) then additional protein isn't really required.

    Before or after is secondary to total protein intake.

    If you have eaten something within 4 hours of working out with protein in it, it is still digesting anyway.
  • Stavarda
    Stavarda Posts: 8
    30-60 mins after the work out, works for me and from what i have read, lets the body use the growth hormones that are released in resistance work, balanced meal is better but if time constraints then protein shake, take some carbs also to balance it out, all about balance, its working for me, just about to read a new book by Tom Venuto Burn fat feed the muscle , will see what he says.
    Hope that helps
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Lol. Bulk up?

    Haha my thoughts exactly. It's laughable when women say they don't want to bulk up. There are women who spend their whole lives trying to bulk up and it's still extremely difficult.
    My question is, do you need to take protein powder? If you are getting adequate amounts through food (1g/lb of LBM is plenty) then additional protein isn't really required.

    Before or after is secondary to total protein intake.

    If you have eaten something within 4 hours of working out with protein in it, it is still digesting anyway.

    ^All of this. Protein powder is only necessary if you cannot get enough protein through your diet. As mentioned, total protein intake throughout the day is vastly more important than any sort of protein timing.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    30-60 mins after the work out, works for me and from what i have read, lets the body use the growth hormones that are released in resistance work, balanced meal is better but if time constraints then protein shake, take some carbs also to balance it out, all about balance, its working for me, just about to read a new book by Tom Venuto Burn fat feed the muscle , will see what he says.
    Hope that helps

    Burn the fat feed the muscle is full of outdated science. Venuto bases his whole diet plan on the low glycemic carbohydrates, meal size, meal frequency, number of meals, etc. That's all been disproven. Also there has never been evidence of a 30-60 minute post workout anabolic window. There has however been evidence that shows that rates of muscle synthesis are elevated for a 24 hour period after heavy resistance training.
  • Nikkisfitblog
    Nikkisfitblog Posts: 149 Member
    Do I take it before or after the workout?

    "Take" ?!?! Its not a drug.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    Lol. Bulk up?

    Haha my thoughts exactly. It's laughable when women say they don't want to bulk up. There are women who spend their whole lives trying to bulk up and it's still extremely difficult.

    She was asking a legitimate question. So Instead of being a jerk and talking down to her. why don't you give her the info she is asking for.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Lol. Bulk up?

    Haha my thoughts exactly. It's laughable when women say they don't want to bulk up. There are women who spend their whole lives trying to bulk up and it's still extremely difficult.

    She was asking a legitimate question. So Instead of being an *kitten* hole why don't you give her the info she is asking for. She didn't have a dumb question but you have a dumb *kitten* answer

    I did answer her concern about bulking up:
    There are women who spend their whole lives trying to bulk up and it's still extremely difficult.

    I also answered her other question:
    Protein powder is only necessary if you cannot get enough protein through your diet. As mentioned, total protein intake throughout the day is vastly more important than any sort of protein timing.

  • I've heard that protein can help burn fat. I just wanted to know if that is true or not.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I've heard that protein can help burn fat. I just wanted to know if that is true or not.

    If you mean that drinking a protein shake but consuming the same total calories vs not drinking a protein shake would help you burn more fat, then no that's not correct. It is important however to consume adequate protein to prevent appreciable muscle loss during weight loss, that along with a moderate calorie deficit and a heavy weight lifting program would be the most effective way to retain muscle while you lose weight.
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    Basically just save time and money and skip the protein shakes. Chances are you are getting your protein from many other sources. If you were doing a strenuous strength training workout and you wanted more definition then maybe I would suggest adding protein powder to a post/pre workout drink.

    But honestly I know very little about this... my ex used to work on building a ton of muscle and swore by his whey protein.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Ok here's the info you need - the condescension.

    Protein is sometimes thought to help you lose weight because it burns a lot of it's own calories to digest and helps you feel full. However there is nothing magical about protein. If you are doing heavy cardio work an increased protein intake may help you to hold onto the muscles you have. But that's it.

    Fact is any of these she hulks you see around are on anabolic steroids. I am sorry but apart from a few freaks of nature women simply can't trigger that much muscle growth naturally. Hell most of the male behemoths that you see out there are all on anabolic steroids too. It is a big problem with people thinking that if they don't attain those super huge muscles they somehow don't measure up so they take steroids. It's true men can get bigger than women naturally but anyone with a Schwarzenegger style physique takes drugs. And so did he. That's the reality of the muscle situation. Looking at Hollywood muscles both men and women is no different from looking at the over amped ones on computer game characters in terms of reality and for women even less so. Even if you power lift as a woman you will only get the sculpted athletic look you wont become she hulk unless you really really want to.
  • SynDiet13
    SynDiet13 Posts: 10
    Protein helps your muscles recover after lifting weights....if you are lifting try to take it asap after you are done....if you are doing cardio only wait as long as possible to eat anything 1-2 hours....I take a scoop of protein after my lifting....sometimes in the day I will have a scoop w/ my vitamins.......
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Protein helps your muscles recover after lifting weights....if you are lifting try to take it asap after you are done....if you are doing cardio only wait as long as possible to eat anything 1-2 hours....I take a scoop of protein after my lifting....sometimes in the day I will have a scoop w/ my vitamins.......

    What are you talking about?
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    OP, I'm in a similar boat as you. I'm focusing primarily on losing weight first but I'm doing a lot of weight straining. I realized I'm not really going to gain any muscle but I want to preserve the muscle I do have and prevent muscle loss. I'm still working on my macros but I always struggle reaching 113g of protein (35%). I'm not sure if this is a good amount of protein or not as I don't know my LBM. To hit my macros I'll usually have a half of a scoop of vanilla whey with my morning smoothie. Sometimes I'll also need to have 0.5-1 scoop of chocolate whey post workout. I don't worry much about anabolic timing as others have mentioned the window is much greater than 30-60 minutes post workout. I'm mostly just concerned with getting it all in for the day. I still do eat plenty of fish and chicken but I still find myself having a hard time reaching my macros hence the need to supplement my protein.