
Hey all!

I have finally decided to do something about my fitness and weight and thought I would try here! Anyone got any tips on tricks as to what helped them in the first stages of their diet??

Thankyou! X


  • SynDiet13
    SynDiet13 Posts: 10
    What are you doing now??? do you work out??? Get a little notebook & write down everything u are eating & drinking....
    Find a bunch of free info here & many other places to see what may have caused your gain........ join a gym...if you cant to that now just walk swim,bike what ever you can do plus cut your calories by atleast didn;t give enough info for more....what kind of diet would you like............. or could stick to............
  • leighlane93
    Thankyou very much! I am part of a gym but due to recently dislocating my knee and still being under physiotherapy I am quite limited at the moment t on what I can and can't do fitness Wise! I do swim at least twice a week so I am hoping that will help! X