HisPixie Member


  • 59 years old and Keto x 1 month. Already at a “normal” BMI (pre-Keto) and am well used to tracking and daily weighing. I only want to lose 8 pounds. Calorie goal is 1200-1500 per day which I’m pretty consistent with and carbs around 15/day. I keep gaining and losing the same pound.
  • Thank you for understanding. Eating disorders are poorly understood and difficult to overcome. I do think I'll have unfollow her Twitter feed so I don't see those posts.
  • I strive to keep max calories around 1400. Post-menopausal @ age 56 so my metabolism ain't what it used to be.
  • My morning breakfast around 350 calories (whole goat milk) and 11 grams of protein. Both numbers seem adequate to me. I could add peanut butter (yum) but that really spikes up the calories. I'm already hesitant on spending 350 calories on a breakfast, especially when I'm still hungry!
  • I *want* to like it. I love coconut. But there's something ... oh, I don't know .... almost slimey about the taste to me. The first few sips are fine but then my stomach starts to turn. I love the light coconut milks (not the creams--the ones that are 60 to 70 calories a cup). And Almond Breeze has a new Almond-Coconut…
  • Mother of 22-year-old triplet girls. Do I still count as they are, well, adults now?! (Two still in college though, one going for MBA, one derailed by health problems and had to start again.) And I'm 53. Sigh!
  • I've made my first green smoothie this week and loved it. 2 cups packed raw spinach (you don't taste it!), 1 frozen banana and about a cup of frozen strawberries (i put them in freezer the night before), and 1-1/2 cups almond milk; blend until smooth. It makes A LOT and it really fills me up as it takes a while to get down…
  • 53 and often told I look years younger. My daughters tell me they're glad they have my genes.
  • I've just started using kale myself and thus far I've only used it in soups, like spinach, and I love it! I have some in my refrigerator now to try in a green smoothie but I'm hesitant. I just started making green smoothies (with spinach) and I'm adoring them! But the kale seems to be "coarser" than spinach so I'm just not…
    in Kale Comment by HisPixie August 2012
  • I'm 53. My sister is on the site and she's 55; she lost >150 pounds in her fifties. My mother is here somewhere too. She's 78 and she lost 35 pounds in the last couple of years (on purpose...diet & exercise). So it can be done! I'm in Pennsylvania USA
  • I gave birth to triplets....almost 23 years ago! But I haven't seen "my twin" in this list. Height: 5'5" SW: 135 CW: 129 GW: 126 Age: 53 Starting weight 6 years ago was 145 but I lost 20 pounds and kept that off for the most part. Got re-married last year and put some back on. Nearly where I want to be (126 is IDEAL) and…
  • I just bought my first bottle of coconut oil (extra virgin, no GMOs, organic). My daughter has Crohn's disease and I read it was good for digestive disorders. I took my first TBL tonight so I don't know yet for myself! Tasty stuff, though. I'm planning on splitting the bottle with my daughter and see how it works for her.
  • My daughter's wedding is Saturday. I have a beautiful gown to wear. For some reason, I'm munching!! OK, I guess it's stress. My ex-husband's entire family will be there, of course, and my new husband (married last september) will be meeting them. Of course, I want to look nice! I'm baking cookies for the reception and that…
  • Anaïs Nin: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”
  • My sister lost 150 pounds through diet and exercise in her early 50s. My mother lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise in her 70s. I lost 20 pounds at age 48 and have maintained it (I'm now 53). I gave birth to triplets at age 30. You can do it.
  • Meredith Baxter .... the mom from "Family Ties
  • Salmon. I WANT to like it but I just don't, no matter how many ways I've tried it.
  • Weigh daily. Record weekly (Thursdays). I have to check daily or I start lying to myself.
  • My husband needs to lose 30 pounds. He's on two blood pressure medications and a statin. He's at risk. He works out 2 or 3 times a week but he doesn't really modify his eating habits. He doesn't THINK he eats as much as he does and most of his snacks are "healthy"--but too much! And I find peanut butter cup wrappers at his…
  • Registered nurse, specializing in hospice (Certified Hospice & Palliative Care Nurse)
  • I agree with this. Women and boys are smooth. Men have hair. I prefer men.
  • Yep!! I don't wear my old engagement ring and wedding band, mind you, but anything else is free game! It's my jewelry; he's not going to wear it!
  • I've lost weight and maintained my weight strictly by counting calories. I have no exercise regimen. It's a pathology with me, seriously. I cannot begin to say how much I loathe organized exercise. I'm not saying that's HEALTHY; I'm just saying it's me. That being said, I'm also pretty high energy and don't sit still much…
  • My ex-husband told me I was "skeletal." At 50 years of age, at 5'5" tall and 127 pounds. That's not skeletal! Notice I said "ex-husband."
  • Good, solid advice! I second this! (ICU Nurse, now Hospice Nurse...and I've seen the terrible results of obesity.)
  • Ack, this didn't post right. Let me try again.
  • (1) How to apply tinsel to a two-foot tall fake Christmas tree. (2) Where to put a comma in a sequence of items.
  • No! I love her individuality and I think her personality shines through!
  • THIS is a very enjoyable thread! Thanks for starting it! MEN - in military uniform -- always sexy! MEN - bald and confident -- very sexy! MEN - enjoying their children -- rocking it! Thanks, guys!
    in MEN Comment by HisPixie August 2012