Does anyone NOT workout and lose weight?



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Weight alone possibly easier without exercise, but I'd worry that some of that was muscle - while with exercise (recently it's purely been work, but I've been carrying car gear boxes up stairs and thelike so far from 'light work') I at least keep muscle, tone and endurance.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    It's quite easy to lose weight without exercise, but you can virtually guarantee that you are losing just as much muscle as fat, so although you get lighter, you won't be in any better shape and won't really look all that much better.
  • beejelblor
    beejelblor Posts: 123 Member
    i was able to lose the excess 15 lbs that i had just hanging on me without much exercise but now that i am down to the last 10lbs it seems impossible, i have not lost a pound in a month with simply keeping to my calorie goal without exercise so its time to jump into active gear to complete my goal. also when you loose weight you look and feel a lot softer/flabbier if you don't tone with exercise. even a 30 walk at lunch and a couple sets of 3lb free weights at break help if you don't have time to workout.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    I've lost this much weight so far *points at ticker* through simply walking every now and then, and keeping my calories under my daily goal. It is definitely possible. I have always hated, and always will hate exercise so if I can get away without doing it and still get a desired result then you can bet your bottom dollar I will find a way.
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    On the flip side, I've been working out four to five days a week, and have stalled out for
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Well it happened to me just last year that I lost 5.5 kilos in 2 monts just by eating healthy. But now since I started dieting again and working out at the same time I lost that same amount in just under a month! So working out is always better when paired up with good eating habits.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    matchbox_girl I lost almost all the weight I managed to lose almost 90 pounds WITHOUT exercising, except I always walked a lot, but it never helped me to lose weight. I started to exercise very recently 2 and a half months ago and am losing weight gradually and very slowly but it's as to be expected as I almost hit normal BMI now.
  • mfoster1019
    mfoster1019 Posts: 152 Member
    my sister has been doing MFP and has lost like 20-25 lbs and she does not exercise. she just watches her calories. i hate her for it :)
  • HisPixie
    HisPixie Posts: 55 Member
    I've lost weight and maintained my weight strictly by counting calories. I have no exercise regimen. It's a pathology with me, seriously. I cannot begin to say how much I loathe organized exercise. I'm not saying that's HEALTHY; I'm just saying it's me. That being said, I'm also pretty high energy and don't sit still much to begin with so I think I burn calories through fidgeting....that and working as a nurse, flipping, moving, and transferring patients who weigh twice as much as I do.

    (And my ticker is messed up. I don't know why it says I've lost ONE pound. Except that I restarted...I actually lost 20 pounds 5 years ago and I've maintained it.)
  • Teddysangel2008
    Teddysangel2008 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started and only went on a mile walk with my husband and in a week of doing this I lost 3 lbs. I do intend to slowly incorporate exercise into the routine more regularly. I am taking baby steps. Started working on this site a week ago, was not feeling good and got weighted at the doctors office. Yesterday I got a brand new scale to keep me more accountable and I got a buddy encouraging me to continue on. Once you metoblism kicks into gear you automatically burn calories just lose less but still lose and Katheern responds is 100% on target. Very insightful response Katheern! :) Exercising helps burn the calories, without it you lose weight but on a very very slow rate. Without exercise as the saying goes... No pain.... No gain. The point of exercising should not be a chore but a part of your weekly routine. What helped me get motivated to exercise again, was joining this site. It is a great motivator. Exercise tones and tightens your muscles tighening them. ( I am holding off this week due to illness but hope to go out again by Friday.) I have a number in mind weight wise and it is within my BMI weight range. Also, losing the weight this past week was a super bonus. My goal is to have leeway within my healthy BMI weight range, so if I can 5 lbs it will be easier to stay on track and remain within a healthy BMI range which is more important that the weight number. I want to live longer and stay healthy. This site is helping me manage the goal. If getting in the groove of exercising is hard, Weight a week or two between starting the diet and then add Exercise. Exercise is key to not lose weight but to maintain your body to remain Healthy. Your number one goal! I do not know if it is your but it should be cause it makes sense to be Healthy cause if you are not there for your family who will be. Get my drift. Getting healthy is not only benefitting you it does everyone around. So get out there,,, start slow and then progress. Example: First week walk a 1/2 miles 2 -3 weeks later increase that to a 3/4 mark etc... I hope this helps you cause it has for me. Good luck with your weight loss adventure
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    On the flip side, I've been working out four to five days a week, and have stalled out for

    More often than not, the reason that people here stall when they add a lot of exercise is overestimating exercise calories and then eating back too much.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    At the onset of my lifestyle change last year I lost weight without exercise. When I was able to exercise more I started losing at a faster rate. I'm limited in my physical abilities again and havent had a loss for a while. Not discouraged though and getting in a little more movement so I know it will work out.
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    I have lost weight before by following Slimming World and with no exercise. Problem was, achievement was slow and once I'd lost 14lbs that was it, I spent 6 weeks there and then jacked it all in.

    This time around with MFP I'm calorie counting and putting little bits of exercise in every other day (swimming (1 hour), elliptic trainer (20 minutes), pilates (50 minutes) and pole dancing (60 minute class)), so I'm dropping weight when measured by the scales, but (and this is the killer) I'm shedding inches like there is no tomorrow.

    It's a choice for you to make, but if it's any help - this is the first time for me I've actually found an exercise combo that really works for me, fits in with my schedule and I actually look forward to, because the reward is instantaneous.

    Hope this helps.

  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I lost about 41 pounds with only occasionally exercising but then my weight loss slowed to what I thought was an unacceptable rate. By that I mean that I'd only lost 4 pounds in 30 days when previously I'd been losing about 2.5 pounds a week.

    So, I got a gym membership and have gone every day for the last 3 days. I've already dropped 2 pounds and I feel AMAZING! I've slept better every night and had more energy the next day and I'm getting more done around the house! I would recommend trying to find an exercise that you like. The endorphin rush and effects may just surprise you!
  • I'd love to say yes to this post!

    I think dieting only works well for so long... because then you give in here and there. Working out will counteract those weak moments and tone in the process :wink:
  • shan09
    shan09 Posts: 6
    yep i lost around 15lbs without doing any exercise, but then it slowed down so i reckon dieting only helps so much. to lose weight i think theres a ratio of 60% diet and 40% is due to exercise lol
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
    Typically I lose weight faster without exercising, but I lose weight slowly to begin with (very frustrating). I do exercise 5-6 days a week - and I haven't seen the scale move in almost a month - so frustrating. I account for everything I eat (including the red wine and balsamic vinegar in salads), but I don't eat my exercise calories. So - yes, you can lose weight without exercising. Exercise is better for your overall health - and it relieves stress. The days I take off - I'm not always the nicest person - I need my exercise, but know the body needs a break too.
  • I lost my first 45lbs all with diet. I started working out after I lost so much weight that I couldn't maintain a calorie goal with a pound a week weight loss without feeling deprived. So I added exercise to bump my calories up a bit. And yeah, there's a lot of health benefits from exercise that are totally separate from just losing weight. My mood is better, I don't get sick as often, stuff like that. But if you just wanna lose weight, the answer is YES absolutely you can do it with diet alone.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    ironically enough limited my workouts and the weight has been coming off more...i don't think i'd ever not workout completely but ultimately weight loss starts with the diet
  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    I lost about 4O or so pounds with litttle exercising, started out slow noticed I could eat more calories by working out.

    I am going to try to do a century bike ride this fall, I have done 63 miles in about 5 hours. Lots of core workout, I like how I feel now. If I want to eat just go on a 2 hour bike ride. Grin :happy:
