tat2tinkerbell Member


  • I took care of a 600lb patient that it took 3 nurse to hold her tummy rolls up to clean in her private areas. And even then we weren't quite sure what we were cleaning exactly....I didn't want to end up that patient and be such a burden to the hospital staff. I occasionally fall off the wagon, but whenever I do, I end up…
  • There used to be a guy at my gym that was always working out when I was working out with my trainer...he made the workout not so horrible because I would watch him. I will admit to kind of staring blankly while working out because it distracts me and I hate watching myself. I look but don't think "ohh yeah baby", it's more…
  • I weigh myself daily, just mainly to keep an eye to what I know is a lot of water weight. I have been taking pics of myself to see the change, and while i've lost some weight, i've lost more inches. I see the difference in the pics and how I feel. I have a pair of pants I put on periodically to see how they are fitting…
  • Aww honey, just go to the manager of the trainers and tell them that your personalities aren't meshing. I have a trainer that I adore. We joke and laugh, and she listens when I say "This is too much". She knows when i'm saying that because I want to be lazy, and when i'm saying it because I've really reached my limit. I've…
  • Prayers have been sent from here in St. Louis. I work for St. Johns in STL, and we have been doing everything we can for our sister hospital down there. You all are doing an amazing job with the support you're providing people down there. And with all of the storms that keep coming through, I pray for some relief for you…
  • http://genaw.com/lowcarb/recipes.html she has some awesome recipes. It has sides, main dishes, desserts etc. Another good resource is http://www.reddit.com/r/keto because it's all people on keto and they share recipes etc. I'm doing keto too, but I find myself occasionally snacking...Darn you ice cream!! Good luck to you :)
  • I'm in the central time zone and never watch results shows, I always wait for them to be over and know who is going to be voted off before I watch. I get too anxious lol. So tonight I turned in just to see the end of the show and saw it happen, broke my heart. I honestly was beginning to think he would win it. I like…
  • I did the zumba for wii today and loved it. I'm beyond uncoordinated, but enjoyed every second of it. After 20 min, even with the fan on and dressed only in sports bra and shorts, I was sweating. It may not register all my moves but I got the gist of what it was doing. I may end up doing a class when I feel more…
  • The first step is the hardest :) I have a lot of weight to lose and remember walking into the gym the first time. I thought "Everyone is staring at me" I know realize I'm the only person concerned about what I'm doing. I work out with a trainer too and love it. I have almost blacked out and almost vomited, but I keep going…
  • I just got the Zumba for Wii...I can't wait to get it hooked up and start doing some cardio that way and eventually back to resistance training for muscles. I'm hoping this will help improve my balance too. Just got out of a cast for a broken wrist! :)
  • St. Louis Missouri....Gateway to the West!