me or the personal trainer



  • tat2tinkerbell
    tat2tinkerbell Posts: 12 Member
    Aww honey, just go to the manager of the trainers and tell them that your personalities aren't meshing. I have a trainer that I adore. We joke and laugh, and she listens when I say "This is too much". She knows when i'm saying that because I want to be lazy, and when i'm saying it because I've really reached my limit. I've found that with her, I want to push my limits though. She also doesn't nag me about my food, but will ask me what I ate, and actually encourages me to use this site to track my food. She has no hidden agenda and wants her clients to just live a healthy life.

    You have to like working out or you won't want to do it. I used to hate it and would honestly dread going to the gym, but since I started working harder at it and actually see her as my partner, not my tormentor, i've made some huge changes. If you don't like the person that is working with you, you should totally get someone different. My first trainer was a guy (a really cute, young guy), that I was slightly embarrassed and uncomfortable when he left the gym and they put me with my current trainer I was like "fantastic, a chick"..but I've loved every second of it.

    :) Hope this offers you a little support in your choice. You have to take control of your body, and that means maybe telling your trainer that she just isn't working out for you and you don't want her food.. Good luck :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I know a lot of people who have strong aversions to personal trainers because of aggressive sales marketing and degrading comments.

    Unfortunately, proper manners are not taught at PT school. Just look for someone else; there are plenty out there that are pretty friendly!

    On a side note, I think a LOT of the PT's you'll find on MFP are pretty upstanding guys/girls. Definitely higher quality around here than most places! Just in case, IANAPT.

    Not only are proper manners not taught, in many clubs they will get you fired.
  • becky_turcotte
    New Trainer Needed. U need someone that modivates you, not irrates you!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Yea, I would definitely get a new trainer. They shouldn't try to force a program on you or try to compete with where you are fitness-wise. They're supposed to encourage you and give you the tools you need.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Biggest mistake that New PT's and arrogant PT's make: Their workout should be your workout.

    My clients don't train like I do. Though I believe in heavy lifting, some of the clients I deal with would rather do plyometrics or Tabata training.

    So a good trainer should be able to know your goal, create YOUR program, and then make adjustments if things don't seem to be working out right. There is no 1 program that works for everyone.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Not me. I'm trying to rip all of you off. I've more snake oil than I know what to do with!

    I heard snake oil will burn off all my stomach fat and give me a 6 pack, if I order 2 bottles at a time from you can I get a discount?

    Also for the person whining about the personal trainers - I haven't found any of the PTs or other fitness professionals on here are trying to take my money - they are just being active participants on a forum which is directly related to something they spend a LARGE portion of their hours and mental time on.

    On the OTHER HAND next time a "beachbody coach" tries to pitch something at me I might smack em around a little. Some of the stuff they post/send messages with is flat out reportable advertising.
  • britterbrittney
    britterbrittney Posts: 256 Member
    I'm ditching the trainer.
    Nervous has ****.

    I need to understand this anxiety about confronting situations. It's a problem. She is not benefiting me at all. This is my life, not hers. I don't know if I even want to trade trainers. I'll have to start all over. They will have their ideas. MFP can be my virtual PT. Mmmmk?
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Well done for ditching the trainer!
    I agree, its about whats good for you - not what you perceive she wants :smile:

    As far as a way forward goes, I think each person is different ... and you might not know until you try.
    Some people here seem to manage well with home DVDs, others with virtual friends for motivation. However, some need to be accountable to a real live person and an appointment slot. You might not know until you try.
    Let us know when you have identified what works for you :)
  • britterbrittney
    britterbrittney Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks will do!

    And thank you for everyone's thoughts. It was appreciated.
  • inertiadriftsc
    she sounds pretty toxic. Glad to hear you dropped her!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    yea my current gym tried that stuff on me. it wasn't shakes but protein bars. I bought them long ago when I first started. I'll admit they tasted good and low on calories and sugar however expensive as heck. 3$ a bar. Also it wasn't their trainers either that kept pushing it on me to buy them but their diet nazi......err nutrionist. they finally dropped it @ about 6 months into my membership. I signed up at a discounted rate for 2 years.

    As others have said look into switching trainers and if the owner of the gym also pushes the stuff to sell, you may look into just switching to another gym altogether. I plan to switch gyms come Dec. when my contract with my gym now ends. joining my local YMCA that recently opened. they are 10$ more than what I pay now BUT they have a POOL! (^_^)
  • TG55555
    Trainer sounds like a "User". Time to invest in someone who resepcts and supports you in a more appropriate way?

    Had one lady trainer who kept telling me how brilliant & fit she was!!! I find male trainers easier to work with.

    Currently trying "Couch to 5k" podcast - v. gentle walk/run programme & personal trainer ( can switch her off whenever I wish! Pityyou can't do that in real life!!!) Chin up & keep going !
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I'm ditching the trainer.
    Nervous has ****.

    I need to understand this anxiety about confronting situations. It's a problem. She is not benefiting me at all. This is my life, not hers. I don't know if I even want to trade trainers. I'll have to start all over. They will have their ideas. MFP can be my virtual PT. Mmmmk?

    Good for you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Trainer sounds like a "User". Time to invest in someone who resepcts and supports you in a more appropriate way?

    Had one lady trainer who kept telling me how brilliant & fit she was!!! I find male trainers easier to work with.

    Currently trying "Couch to 5k" podcast - v. gentle walk/run programme & personal trainer ( can switch her off whenever I wish! Pityyou can't do that in real life!!!) Chin up & keep going !
    I've witnessed when a female client outshines the female trainer, the female trainer got envious. Of course that's not female trainers, but she got catty when I mentioned how good her client was looking.