Cute guy always checks me out @ the gym



  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I ignore everyone. Even the guy who is always on the stepper next to me or the thread mill when there are like 20 empty ones. I just turn on my beats and get lost in the music.
  • CindiBryce
    It's soooo AWKWARD! I catch him checking me out all the time!
    Ladies has this ever happened to you?
    What would you do?
    No, this doesn't happen to me. I mind my business and they mind theirs.
    And if it were to happen...I would probably ignore it. Staring doesn't necessarily mean he wants to initiate conversation, or a friendship.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    How do you know he is checking you out and not sizing you to see if your skin is enough to make his new leather coat.. hmmm???!!!
    LOL.... :flowerforyou:

    It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
  • PBJunkie
    Once faceplanted on the treadmill while checking out a woman that walked by....since then I just focused on the workout itself.

  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    I hate when this happens....cute dudes are always checking me out. It messes up my concentration..... are insanely funny....keep doing what you do
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    My personal trainer at the gym would hit on me all the time (even knowing that i was engaged)...

    Also, the owner of the gym came up to me once and tried to give me a "compliment" and told me I had a big butt & told me that I needed to strap down my chest so it wouldn't hit me in the face while i run on the treadmill... I stopped going to the gym after that. Unfortunately, I stuck in a contract so I had to keep paying even though I wouldn't go after all that happen.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I ignore everybody at the gym.

    But if you were single and looking I'd take advantage.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    It happened to me last weekend during my circuit training class. The most handsome man I have ever set eyes on kept checking me out, as I was moving all over the gym, all nasty looking with sweat dripping everywhere.

    It was a mutual, we kept catching each other's eye, and he stopped me and chatted for a bit after we had both finished our workouts. I hope to bump into him again.....I already have my phone number written down and tucked in the front pocket of my gym bag. This guy is a dead ringer for Jason Statham, only he both shaves AND smiles!!

    Break in concentration? Heck no! That dude is my new MOTIVATION!!
  • stanchfielda
    Way to go girl!!! Take advantage of that! :-)
  • tat2tinkerbell
    tat2tinkerbell Posts: 12 Member
    There used to be a guy at my gym that was always working out when I was working out with my trainer...he made the workout not so horrible because I would watch him. I will admit to kind of staring blankly while working out because it distracts me and I hate watching myself. I look but don't think "ohh yeah baby", it's more like "he's pretty...i'm gonna watch that..its better then tv". I hope not in a creepy way lol. If they catch me I smile and hope they don't think i'm a creeper.

    The other day a new guy at the gym (I had saw him signing up a few days prior) was working out with another trainer and kept looking over at me while I was working out with mine about 10 feet away. My trainer and I will point out cute guys though, but I also say to her "Omg I love that girls legs...i want her legs"

    Ok so yeah, I check out boys and girls...i rarely want to actually want to talk to them...just fun to watch :)
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I'm the only woman at my gym (no, seriously). Apparently, when I joined, I was the first woman to have a membership in almost five years. It's a boxing and strongman gym. I definitely get the looks EVERY time I'm in there...but I think it's because I'm more of an anomaly, haha.
  • st1nkypinky
    ahahaha it reallly does though!!!