

  • I am due January 16th with my first. I have struggled some as one of my primary motivations to eat healthy and exercise has been maintaining my weight so knowing I'm supposed to gain weight has thrown me off a bit. However, I'm still on track between the 25-35lb gain for a healthy pregnancy, just leaning toward the 35lb…
  • I LOVE TurboFire! I'd been doing P90X for 6 months prior, first the Classic version then the Lean version. I had plateaued plus gotten a little bored. I'm now about 6 weeks into TurboFire. I love the cardio burn from TurboFire and my shoulders and abs have more definition than ever. I matched my calorie intake to my…
  • Great job! Sticking to it and keeping the weight off is often the biggest challenge. You set a wonderful example for the rest of us. Keep it up!
  • I was thinking this exact same thing! And I love the tattoo. Keep up the great work!
  • I've just started with quinoa but I love that it can be sweet or savory. I made a salad side dish with it a few weeks ago from a recipe I found on then just this morning I had it with raisins and cinnamon for breakfast. Versatile, tasty and nutritious!
  • Nice work! You've made awsome progress and look great!
  • That's wonderful! Keep up the good work. I have the same problem with weight coming off on top first (where I'd rather keep it!) then on the bottom later. Just more incentive to stick with it!
  • I checked on Netflix (I get a lot of my workout videos there) and they have a few pole dancing workout videos. Might be worth a try to see if you like it.
    in Pole Dancing Comment by nelljoy May 2011
  • I'm just getting started, too and I'm finding this site to be very helpful. Add me if you'd like!