TURBO FIRE successes...PLEASE :)

I started turbo fire about 2.5 weeks ago...haven't noticed anything yet. I would love to see/read some great results from this program!

THANKS A ton :)


  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    BUMP.....no takers??
  • AshleyG1983
    I just took a week off from it because my workout buddy was sick and the DVD's were her's but I'm "officially" on week 3 of the program and week 4 of regular exercise and I've lost 9 lbs. The first week or two I didn't see much scale movement but I did manage to get into a pant size smaller. It's a great program so don't get discouraged by the scale not moving. In fact I love it so much (major for me because I usually HATE exercising) that I bought my very own set for those time when my workout buddy is sick or out of town. Keep at it and I have no doubt you'll have some great results!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    do a search for turbofire and you will find many success stories. it is the reason I bought it when I found it on groupon last week. unfortunately i can't start until I get the all clear from my ortho doc.
  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
  • nelljoy
    I LOVE TurboFire! I'd been doing P90X for 6 months prior, first the Classic version then the Lean version. I had plateaued plus gotten a little bored. I'm now about 6 weeks into TurboFire. I love the cardio burn from TurboFire and my shoulders and abs have more definition than ever. I matched my calorie intake to my calorie burn and have still lost about three lbs, I guess Chalean isn't kidding about the after burn. I noticed that the Beach Body site has a P90X/TurboFire hybrid schedule that I think I'll try when my 90 days of TurboFire is done. I recommend you keep at it. I felt it started slow in the first week or so to help those who are just getting back into shape but definitely picked up quickly. Stick with it and push yourself in the workouts and I think you'll be happy with the results.
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