LaurLaur242 Member


  • I started exercising moderately(walking/weights/pilates). I tried to eat "clean" as much as I could, but when that didn't work and the exercising started to wane. I signed up for MFP and joined a gym.
  • I like this idea too! I'm a teacher with the summer off(woohoo). I have be treating the gym as my "part time job" and have been pretty dedicated to going. With the school year looming, I am worried about not getting in as much exercise as I have been. I think your idea is fabulous and knowing that I will get a "treat" (and…
  • I wish you great success! This has been a good place to be accountable for what you eat and how much you move. It's definitely kept me on track without becoming obsessed with it. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I recently started on MFP and only have a few friends, but they it's nice to be supportive by people who…
  • I'm a major water drinker(about a gallon every day) and one of my "tricks" is to make sure I drink at least 24 as soon as I get up. And I agree with both John and Franc127, if I make iced tea(with truvia or unsweetened), I count it and I have a water bottle with me whenever possible. I'll put lemon slices(sometimes with…
  • Us Philly Pholks need to stick together :wink: There is sooooo much good food here. We'll just have to work it off !
  • I totally agree with this. Pilates was the only thing that helped with the "gut flab". I used to take a class just once a week and reshaped my body and strengthened my core. In the past couple of years, I have gained it back and I still have plenty of gut flab, but lately I noticed that I have reduced it by doing a…
  • Hi. I loved your post and can relate to a lot of what you said. I have used this app for about a month, but decided today to try to meet some people on here to gain support. I've never been a calorie counter, instead looking at carbs and sugar. That has not worked for me. I've amped up the exercise and used this site to…
  • I'm willing to support :) Tracking the calories and measuring everything is a pain in the butt, but it seems to really help and keep me on track. :smile:
  • I have bad knees(unstable patellas) and running has just never been my thing. Hurts too much. I agree with everyone about swimming, biking and the elliptical machine. Those are all exercises the PT ordered, along with strength training. Also, Pilates has helped me tremendously. Keeps your core strong so you can move more…