AngelicDevil80 Member


  • Good thing no one is hurt. I <3 the cubs :)
  • If you dont have exercise videos, go on youtube. I found a lot of good ones there last night!
  • In therapy we have a thing we have to work on and its mindfulness, but one exercise we do is when we eat to just taste it and only focus on that meal at that time. I eat less thinking of it that way. But we also use that for when reading only read and focus on that. Doing that took a lot of stress out of…
  • 1) I think its true. If I manage to eat my meal slower then normal, I see that I do eat a lot less. 2) It just depends on the person, but when Im eating slow and want to taste everything it can take up to 45 minutes for a meal. When I go out with my sister I eat slow and by the time shes done Im about 1/2 way done. I feel…
  • How much cardio does everyone do daily? Does everyone else get a rush after doing cardio? I went last night to do some cardio and got the biggest rush from it. Im still going on that and feel like I can probably do 90 minutes a day, if I do 40-60 early AM 20 or so afternoon then another 10-20 early evening. Is that over…
  • I suffer from severe depression, tho at the time its under control with meds. Thank you for the words :)
    in help Comment by AngelicDevil80 June 2008
  • I did good eating wise today, but I broke. I just can not believe I let myself get this fat! Im crying so hard over it bc I hate doing anything with my kids including taking them for walks. Im embarressed to go walk in public, Im embaressed at the gym, tho I do go and do both, but I cant stop crying. I just went to the gym…
    in help Comment by AngelicDevil80 June 2008
  • lol! :laugh:
  • I do this too. A lot of times I can stop myself by asking am I really hungry? Then Ill get some water and say try to redirect myself to anything else lol
  • Theres a commercial here, I dont know if its local or national and it has a guy order a burger combo and as hes walking away the announcer says "You know what you get with a combo meal?" the man looks happy then the announcer says a gym membership, an airplane seatbelt extender and something else and I just find it amusing.
  • YAY!!!! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • Or everyone else is thinking they might not look great in a suit so they dont pay much attention lol I see people at our beach who are bigger then myself and all I think is good for everyone for going swimming. I mean it is great exercise! Id rather go the beach then the gym lol
  • Know whats funny about me? Right now Im so self consice in normal clothes but Im fine at the beach. I wear a tankini with the reg suit bottoms and it feels like my tummy is hiding. About tanning, I wouldnt go to a tanning bed. I get tan at the beach but not using sunscreen is a bad idea.
  • This happened last fall to me. I dropped 40lbs in 2 months then got stuck. I was stuck no matter how much more exercise I did and wasnt dropping lbs or inches. So I turned lazy again from being so frustrated! :mad:
  • My oldest lives with his dad and most nights when I talk to him they are either going to, coming back or about to go grab food at McDs. I just cant believe it! I mean I eat McDs more then I should, but almost every night? No way! I know he loves fruits and veggies so its just that his dad is friggin' lazy! Since I left him…
  • I LOVE organic foods! I didnt ever notice a difference until I stayed with a friend for a week and all they ate were organic foods and drinks. They just tasted better, but I cant afford them either :grumble:
  • I agree. I dont like being the size I am and yes Im losing weight to look better but the number one reason I am is so I dont die younger then I would or so I dont have heart problems.
  • I did so bad all week. I felt so bad, but I just need to remember that I will feel better if I dont binge. I just felt kind of depressed this week and Im not sure why. However despite the few day binge fest I did manage to lose 2 lbs by being stricter yesterday and today.
  • Im sorry to hear it. If he doesnt listen to you and is still acting that way hes got a problem. Get yourself away from him until he can act right! He is probably got an issue about himself and is trying to bring you down with him. Even if it wouldnt cause you to binge eat, its just not good to be around. Next time he says…
  • Welcome! I stay at home too! One of the things that helped me last summer lose a lot of weight was just walking and pushing the stroller. Good luck!:drinker:
  • I agree with the being healthy during helps afterwards! I know I sure wouldnt have gone to a bbq the next day lol..way to tired but its great you could! A couple of my friends had c sections and they were in bed for a long time, however they just may be the type who would rather stay in bed then try to get back into the…
  • I wish I liked smoothies :grumble:
  • Can you go outside and play with him? We used to have these big balls for our autistic children clients and 5 out of 7 of them loved playing with these big balls. Also we did the parachute...its basically a big sheet and toss different sized balls on it then have everyone(need more then 3 players tho) shake it up and down…
  • My 8 yr old will raid any type of snacks or if theres juice or pop around. When I see him eat more then he should he doesnt get any snacks for 24 hours unless its a fruit or veggie, which thankfully he loves. But the other day I was at walmart and saw 2 young kids, like 3 and 5, who were short but very heavy. I always say…
  • Give him chores to do outdoors. Go outside and play with him. Show him how to be healthy. Limit stationary activites like chilling in front of the TV, computer, video games...I cant even pretend to know how a 12 yr old acts..its been to long since I was one and my kids arent to that point yet... My oldest is on sedatives…
  • Both times I was pregnant I was to sick to gain any weight until about month 7, but with my last one I gained WAY to much after I went on zofran...I had been wanting to gain the least amount, but once I could eat, I sure did :laugh: I ended up in physical therapy and lost some weight but was under care of a medical team,…
  • lol...this was funny but my fav part was "OFFSPRING • Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams. • A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A married man…
  • Wow! 10! I thought two was a lot ;) I have a brother who is 25 and a sister who is 31...Im the middle
  • Great idea! I cant wait til I can make it and try it lol...probably not anytime soon tho lol
  • :::wipes the drool away::: That sounds amazing...Think you can buy it online or someplace in the US?