

  • Unfortunately, once a piece of meat is cooked it's really hard to infuse it with any other flavor. And it'll toughen up if you cook it again, regadless of whether you'll cut it up or leave it whole. Looks like you'll have to make do with it like it is. I'd offer to help get rid of it, but I don't like Teriyaki at all... ;-)
  • I have an idea: Why don't you just do your own thing and not pay any attention to those girls? Who cares if somebody shows up in make-up cause they just got off work. Who cares if their hair is down? Who cares if they changed into their workout clothes at the office cause the dressing rooms at the gym are nasty or they're…
  • Thanks for the encouragement, everybody. And yes I know, the first week or two the weight comes off real easy and then it slows down. Been there, done that ;-) We'll just take it one week at a time. The weight didn't accumulate over night, so it won't come off over night. But it WILL come off :-)
  • Great job! Keep up the good work :-) And if you're really interested in running, I HIGHLY recommend the Couch 2 5K program. It's an interval training program that takes you from couch potato to runner in 9 weeks. At the end of the program you will actually be able to run for 3 miles instead of 3 minutes!!
  • Sounds to me like you need to re-think your choices here. That boyfriend of yours isn't exactly boyfriend material if he acts like that. There is no reason and no excuse for him putting you down. That's unacceptable and you need to have a talk with him asap. As far as your other issue, the only one that can achieve change…
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