Boyfriend Motivation???

My boyfriend is DESPERATE for me to lose weight. He makes comments constantly about my weight gain in a joking/funny way but I know he is being deadly serious. He asks me everyday what I have ate and if I have been to gym and won't allow me to snack in front of him, and if I do he puts me down.

I do moan to him about my looks and if I feel fat, i winge!

He has the perfect body and goes to the gym every morning without fail. I wish I had his motivation, but the more he puts me down the more I want to eat to act like I'm not bothered what he says.

Does anyone else have this problem?


  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    The problem isn't your lack of motivation. It's your choice of boyfriends.

    Dump that loser and find someone who will appreciate you for who you are and not make you feel guilty for not being someone you're not.

    Best of luck to you.
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Eww no... If I had this problem I'd leave his *kitten* and find someone worth my time. You can do better than a control freak loser.

    Just sayin'
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The problem isn't your lack of motivation. It's your choice of boyfriends.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    The problem isn't your lack of motivation. It's your choice of boyfriends.

    Dump that loser and find someone who will appreciate you for who you are and not make you feel guilty for not being someone you're not.

    Best of luck to you.

  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    no. I'd rather live alone. I'd get rid of him so fast, he'd get the bends. WHY are you doing that to yourself? You deserve A LOT better. kick his *kitten* to the curb and the commentary will stop. =P
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    Sounds like you need to loose the boyfriend. Not the way to motivate someone and very unkind, just saying !
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248

    He sounds like a right **** if you ask me :indifferent:

    Even if he is fed up of you whinging he shouldn't put your down. A relationship goes both ways and he is mean't to support you not make you feel like crap.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Your struggling to get into routine, if you can manage to go for 3 weeks straight then it becomes a lot easier. It is always the first hurdle that is the hardest to overcome.
  • florycate
    My best advice is to happy in your own skin. Eat healthy and exersise because it is good for you not for your boyfriend. It's your body and your health, be happy!
  • NashvilleShelley
    Agree with above...ditch the boyfriend and you will be fine!
  • 21katykat01
    I agree with Goldenwoof, you need to mae a serious decision whether this guy is actually worth your time. If you want to lose weight, fine, but do it for you not for him. If you do it for him, you're only going to resent him in the end and not be motivated. Fair enough, your bf might want you to lose weight, and it's hard to hear but not a deal-breaker, but he needs to supportive or GTFO.

  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    No, I don't have that problem. Never have. When I was single, I refused to be with someone who was unsupportive or mentally abusive. Anyone who puts you down is no one you should want to be with. You can't change him, so you may want to look inside yourself to try to figure out why you think it's o.k. to stay with someone who puts you down. Just sayin.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm wondering if that is a current photo. If it is, there's no way in hell you can afford to lose the weight you're trying to lose.
  • NicolioRussell
    My boyfriend is DESPERATE for me to lose weight. He makes comments constantly about my weight gain in a joking/funny way but I know he is being deadly serious. He asks me everyday what I have ate and if I have been to gym and won't allow me to snack in front of him, and if I do he puts me down.

    I do moan to him about my looks and if I feel fat, i winge!

    He has the perfect body and goes to the gym every morning without fail. I wish I had his motivation, but the more he puts me down the more I want to eat to act like I'm not bothered what he says.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Break up with that jerk! Any boyfriend/husband/fiance etc. should be supportive....and not bring you down! What a jerkface!!
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    It sounds like your boyfriend has a boatload of insecurities and is projecting his insecurities onto you. If you want to be healthy you should be healthy for YOU, because that's the only way you're going to find true success.
  • gabriele_01
    Sounds to me like you need to re-think your choices here. That boyfriend of yours isn't exactly boyfriend material if he acts like that. There is no reason and no excuse for him putting you down. That's unacceptable and you need to have a talk with him asap.

    As far as your other issue, the only one that can achieve change in you is YOU. You have to be the one wanting to get up and do something. And if you can't make it to a gym, start by making little changes. They'll add up. They say it takes 3 weeks to form a new habit, so try making yourself work out for 3 weeks. After that, it becomes routine and you'll miss it if you don't do it.

    Good luck!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I used to. I now refer to this guy as my ex-boyfriend.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    UH. No. Never have and never will.

    The first time a significant other makes a derragatory remark about my weight and grills me about what I ate will be out the door. But not a minute before I put my foot up his backside!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    My boyfriend is DESPERATE for me to lose weight. He makes comments constantly about my weight gain in a joking/funny way but I know he is being deadly serious. He asks me everyday what I have ate and if I have been to gym and won't allow me to snack in front of him, and if I do he puts me down.

    I do moan to him about my looks and if I feel fat, i winge!

    He has the perfect body and goes to the gym every morning without fail. I wish I had his motivation, but the more he puts me down the more I want to eat to act like I'm not bothered what he says.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    wow, what a ****ty boyfriend.
  • jesshall281
    He really needs to cut you some slack, you are trying and thats what counts, he cant expect you to just drop the weight in a week...keep at it and enjoy it. If it gets overbearing, tell him to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.