k7n2w3 Member


  • or tell them "you're only thin cuz you run so much"... make sure to discount all their healthier food choices as they are eating grilled chicken and veggies while you eat cheeseburger w/ bacon and fries then order a milkshake
  • ask for advice on how to be as fit as them then when hearing "eating better and exercise regularly" just tell them that would never work.
  • Could be that the estimate of the cals on the food are incorrect, esp if homemade it might not be a good estimate. There was (and might still be) an estimate for a slice of pizza at 100 cals and friends of mine were eating slices that were 400+ cals from Season's pizza and recording them at 100 each. Just a possibility.
  • "I'm smiling because I love it" <quote from insanity>
  • I live by my Slimfast shake in the morning. Its simple, easy and the nutrition in it is great! I have been drinking them for years... course pre-weight loss i used to have it with a fried egg sandwich w/ extra cheese and hashbrowns lol it's a meal in itself! it's like having a chocolate treat every morning and i love the…
  • Well my bf did it in 6 weeks :-) from couch (literally couch) to 13.1 miles in 6 weeks :-) something i do NOT recommend but he finished whole thing without walking. Sure he was sore here and there but he did it :-) You can do anything you want to when your mind is set! That being said, listen to your body though because…
  • There is a number of things others will probably touch upon and i hope do because they are the most important.. weight training, cardio, eating better, but also know that dehydration will bloat the stomach. Stay hydrated. Water is necessary for the body and sweating it out and not replacing is dangerous. Plus, being…
  • Insanity is absolutely amazing and i love it! that being said, it's not meant for everyone. It's hard, insane is best way to describe it. Insanity challenges you and what you put into it is what you get out of it. for someone that gets easily discouraged it probably wouldn't be best program but for those that want to…
  • awesome! congrats!!! what a great feeling! The first time my hip bone RE-appeared, I made a friend touch it cuz i thought it was a tumor... then realized it had a matching bump on other side lol
  • If it comes with Ruby Slippers than i'm SOOOOO in plus i just read "licking windows burns 1000 calories per hour" so i've gotta go and burn some cals. I dont know why i ate so well and worked out so hard to lose all my weight when there were ruby slippers to be had and window licking that could have solved all my issues
  • sorry to jump in on the feed... but what are the added features of the FT7
  • It depends. Weight loss is cals in vs cals out. Any workout that burns calories has to be compared with what your body takes in vs what you expend in your daily activities including any exercise. Running can be tricky because if you get into "races" and running competitively you may not be able to lose due to having to…
  • it will... if you are honest and recording it will definitely happen.. i lost 44 pounds and have kept it off for over a year and a half now :-) you got this!!! and just know... it WILL catch up :-) and good luck!
  • Oh and about the stitch... i get that a lot from shallow breaths, trying taking really deep breaths throughout the run to prevent and when it does happen take deep "belly breaths"... breathe in and puff out the belly then breathe out tightening the abs. That solves mine. I get them a lot due to having asthma and the stitch…
  • My favorite degrees to run in is 20 and under!! Eventually your body gets used to the cold and I no longer have an issue. My sister in law puts something over her mouth for the first mile and said that solved her issue w/ the lungs burning. Eventually your body will adapt like mine and you can run in 8 degree temps for…
  • I didn't change a thing. I always had a 500 calorie deficit every single day. 500 cal deficit a day = 3500 cals = 1 pound lost a week. i knew what i was doing was EXACTLY the right way so as long as i kept doing it eventually it would catch up with the loss. I would go on 3-4 weeks stints where no loss. It ALWAYS caught up…
  • I think it's hard for people who haven't been in the situation to know that it's a lifestyle. sure will one night not kill you... however one night of an appetizer, extra side, dessert and big entree could easily = 3500+ calories as well as break some good habits and cause bad ones therefore in the end... yes ONE night out…
  • (assuming this isn't a fake question) I can't stand water either but after doing research (in order to hydrate for races properly) your body can only absorb a normal amount (i'm not sure exact amount, but like a quart an hour) and if you drink too much your liver can have to work hard. It won't cause a problem immediatley…
  • M/F? Female Age? 31 Height? 5 foot even Start weight? 155.1 Goal weight? 112.0 Time it took? 9 months (1.33 pounds a week on average w/ two vacations i went on maintenance for Aloted daily calories? 500 calorie deficit... whatever it was... i used a different site so i knew what my maintenance weight was added the exercise…
  • There are tons of options for under 365.... chick fil a sandwich... chargrilled, bun one side, lettuce other no mayo or cheese 205 calories w small fruit cup 80 cals. 2 tacos plain at taco bell 170 each 340. Applebees half size oriental fried chicken salad replace dressing w/ low cal italian bam 340 calories. (yea i have a…
    in Oops. Comment by k7n2w3 January 2013
  • actually he does... us shorties are allowed very low calories on maintenance. I'm 5 foot and 112 (mid range for BMI) and am allowed 1440 a day.
  • haha nah your not overreacting... i have been on maintenance for about a year and a half now and am allowed 1400 for maintenance (5 foot tall).. sometimes it gets me a little sad (not sad but couldnt think of proper emotion) at dinner w/ friends they are getting appetizers and dessert w/ their meal and i'm making healthier…
  • sometimes a cheat day could have enough calories to void a whole weeks worth of hard work. if you allow yourself to enjoy things by fitting in calories you can avoid the need to feel like you have to cheat. this is a lifestyle change and having a cheat day could jeapordize all your hard work. I never had a cheat day while…
  • When people say "well you've lost weight because of all the activities and races you do" and refuse to listen that i changed my eating and didn't run ANY races til 6 months after my goal weight! Yes now I run a lot and do a lot... why cuz i eat right and count calories so i don't gain it back! also... i have a sportscar,…
  • ewwwll i love this one :"Obsessed is a word lazy people use to describe the dedicated." i'm going to have to hang that up somewhere in my office
  • i lost one pound a week til i hit my goal on average (i have a spreadsheet and the average was 1.33). 500 calorie deficit a day = 3500 calorie deficit a week = 1pound a week lost
  • Yesterday I bought a size XS dress from Juniors Department which i'm loving. I'm usually a small so if asked I'd say Juniors Small. Almost all of non-junior clothes are a 2 or 4, therefore yes, when people ask what size i am now I do say 2 or 4, juniors Small, and kids 12/14. I worked quite hard to go from a women's 14+ to…
  • Yes I have that problem now. I have been down to about a 0/2 for over a year now after losing 45 pounds (down from a women's 14) and ten years ago (before I gained and lost it) that was more like a 2/4 (I kept the clothes). Now some women size 0s are too big and i know i'm not a stick! I wish sizes were consistent so I…