Neous Member


  • W2D1 P90X3 - Total Synergistic
  • can you describe it a bit, does it involve weight lifting (including body weight e.g. pull ups) or is it jump training?
  • I started a hybrid of p90x3 and T25 that i didn't complete cuz life happened but it loved it. Friday Night Fight was insane, too many burpees for my comfort ( i got a short torso or is it long legs?) I had to take off my shirt and i live in New England my gym is in the basement with no heat
  • I'm serious with my workout but my home gym is not used to its fullest I have a full package from i.e. bench weight and all the accessories. i don't use it all because i'm back doing the Beachbody programs namely P90x3, Insanity Max 30 and T25 soon will be added Body Beast. and they don't require much for…
  • Sorry i don't have an answer, but I'm in the same situation whereby it's hard for me to get my 1860 which is my target according my goal but my true caloric intake should be 2400 according to P90X3 which i'm doing as a hybrid program with T25. I'm actually drinking a protein shake before bed to get close
  • well i know this is a more or less a forgotten thread, but has anyone tried a hybrid of P90X3 / T25. I started
    in T25 vs. P90X3 Comment by Neous July 2014
  • My last day of Insanity is today 7/14/14 and I'll focus on swimming and spinning for as long as i can bear it (giving myself til the end of the month) before starting a P90x3/T25 hybrid. Please do add me
  • Lead by examples, when she sees you all enegized from shredding the lbs she will be motivated that means you're hitting the gym religiously, you're doing the grocery shopping, you're doing some of the cooking. and share you finding on how to get it done but do not be hard on her, remember you're trying to recruit her for…
  • the girls are 5 y o and 10 weeks. i do ok on the nutrition side i mainly need to watch my portions. I definitely do it for myself cuz even while I ballooning up during the pregnancy i was at the pool once a week and on my spinning bike once in a while cuz i had no goals. the recruiting plan for my wife is simply to lead by…
  • what are the benefits of having some fitted shoes, can't just be running right, do you have flat feet, would it help with your cardio