How do I get full support from home?

My wife and I are both overweight. I'm trying to do my best to lose weight. My wife on the other hand has the attitude of I don't need somebody to tell me I'm overweight and does very little to change if at all. How do I get her to jump on board? If I can't get her to commit how can I get her to help me commit that much more? For instance healthy grocery shopping


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You can only do you. You can't make your wife do anything she's not ready for.

    Why can't you buy some healthy food?
  • tfisher679
    tfisher679 Posts: 64 Member
    She carries the pocket book and she refuses to go grocery shopping with my son and I. I really don't push the issue of a healthier life for her. I'm half tempted to tell her to help us or get out of my way.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Tell her just that. Diplomatically. For your son's sake. Then make sure the two of you eat well and don't utter a peep to her about how she eats. At the most, get her to try a bite here and there of whatever you cook to see if she likes it.
  • Unfortunately, the other person you wish to help jump on the healthy train with you has to WANT it for themselves. I would just keep going at it and let that person see how much it is changing you inside and out for the better. Role model.
  • Neous
    Neous Posts: 12 Member
    Lead by examples, when she sees you all enegized from shredding the lbs she will be motivated
    that means you're hitting the gym religiously, you're doing the grocery shopping, you're doing some of the cooking. and share you finding on how to get it done but do not be hard on her, remember you're trying to recruit her for your team.
    support her, Help her help you

    Good Luck