How do I Log High Intensity Interval Training?

I am doing a 30-minute 3x a week body bootcamp which is considered HIIT, but cannot figure out how it should be logged as exercise. Tried searching various terms, but getting nothing. Anybody have any thoughts? Thank you!


  • Neous
    Neous Posts: 12 Member
    can you describe it a bit, does it involve weight lifting (including body weight e.g. pull ups) or is it jump training?
  • aamyottefisher
    aamyottefisher Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, it includes cardio, weight lifting and body weight resistance, approximately 1 minute of activity, 30 seconds off. I am looking to track it on MFP too.
  • brianfee80
    brianfee80 Posts: 1 Member
    If you'd doing a p90x or T25 you can Google the appropriate calorie burning calculator. They seem as if they're very accurate. The type of exercising it's refereed to as the Tabada method. Full out bursts for a length of time with half that time as a rest period. I'm sure if you searched it you might get some answers. I'm in week 2 of T25 and logging those burned calories are basically providing me with a buffer, but I'm trying not to pass my normal calorie allowance. Good luck.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Log it as circuit training, since that's what you're describing.
  • Holly92154
    Holly92154 Posts: 119 Member
    I use a HRM but the closest thing to my actual calorie burn was always "high impact aerobics".