

  • Thanks for the reply! I do think that I will stick to 5/3/1 for a while as I only just started it and have only been doing it about 2 months. To be honest, I don't really like the full-body style of workouts as I don't think it is enough rest for me. With respect to assistance exercieses, the first month I did more varied…
  • It feels like you won't have enough recovery time (especially since you've been injured). I guess it depends on what your goals are. Are you trying to get to specific strength goals or trying for general improved wellness? For me, 5/3/1 makes it really easy and I don't feel like I am over working any specific body part.…
  • Thank you for this! I think I really needed to hear this from someone.
  • Thank you for the recommendations! I will look into Epiq Power. I tried a few pre-workout drinks last year and I was okay with them (Jack3d, superpump, C4). I just stopped taking them because I had some bad experiences. The first was raw ravage (bottle); it tasted like poison, then after the workout I threw it up (it…
  • Thank you for the reply! I am not really sure if I am still having noob gains. I think I am because this is the first time I have tried the big compound body movements in a power lifting program. Here are my numbers so far: My starting numbers for my 1 rep maxes: Bench Press: 145lbs, Squat: 205lbs, and Dead Lift: 230lbs.…
  • Hey Docmahi, thanks for the reply! This is my first time doing compound body movement type lifts in a power lifting type of program. I actually started lifting weights for the first time last year and did a 12 week program (body by design) not too religiously (I did it twice). That plan was a more isolated muscle type…
  • I was just looking into this myself. I am not sure where you are located but here are some upcoming competitions with the Southern Powerlifting Federation. :smile: Good luck!
  • Thanks! :blushing: To be honest, I am excited to see where my numbers go as I have never really lifted before.
  • I am a beginner as I just started training 5-3-1 in January. I have always been told I was "strong for a girl", so here I am. Let's see how far I get in 2013. I am 32 yrs old and currently 195lbs. (I'd like to get down to 145lbs and have my numbers stay the same or go up and possibly compete) *Here are my starting numbers…
  • I think you are asking about how much weight you should be lifing, but the answer is it depends on your plan and what your starting point is. I am basically running a 5-3-1 plan where my lifts are percentages of my 1 rep maxes. There are lots of other posts describing this but in a nutshell, you can either physically test…
  • I recently had been having a bunch of ankle problems (sprained ankle just wouldn't get better) and decided that if I was going to start power lifting I really needed to prevent injury. I figured a good pair of shoes would help me out. I found this page during my internet searches ( ) that really helped…
    in Shoes? Comment by tdeprat February 2013
  • Awesome! Keep it up!