shaneharley Member


  • Thanks for all the help! What it sounds like I'll be best off doing is raising my deficit to 500, whilst still doing weights to maintain as much muscle as possible whilst I'm losing the weight. Then when I get close to my ideal weight i'll raise to a surplus?
  • Hmm interesting, that's kind of what I thought. Am I doing any harm keeping the 1000cal deficit whilst still doing some weights until I lose the weight, and then bringing my deficit up? The losing weight is probably more important to me at this stage than building muscle (let's just say some of my clothes are a little…
  • I was stuck at one for a couple of weeks and was getting really discouraged. I've upped what I was eating (i wasn't eating my exercise calories and i exercise quite a bit) and now the weight seems to be coming back off quick again. Lost 1.4kg this week, and that was eating MORE than I was eating before the plateau. A bit…
  • i gave this a try on monday, those raises - WEW! i did them with 5kg weights after never really having done any weights and needless to say my arms have been KILLING ME the last couple of days. i can't even stretch my arms right out without immense amounts of pain. going to get back on the 30 Day Shred once the pain is…