thebatacs Member


  • That is so awesome!! I cant' wait to be able to do that as well. I have a whole shelf of clothes that I have been dying to fit back into, and now, I am thinking that I may be back in them sooner than I thought possible!!
  • Another question... because of the very limited intake of various foods, do you take a multi vitamin? I usually don't because I have a hard time finding any that don't upset my stomach (except for the gummies, which I would assume are off limits on this diet due to the sugar...)
  • @fivefatcats: Did you change your running schedule due to the fact that it tells you not to excersize too much, or do you feel energy deprived? I do Turbo and am really nervous that I will have to give it up. Any insight? Also, to all: How far did you take the lifestyle change? It recommends certain shampoos, deodorants,…
  • Just started day 2 cram day... so definite BUMP!! I too will do my best to keep my progress updates on here. I am so excited to see what this can do for me. I have about 50lbs that I would like to lose, anything more would be a much welcomed bonus.
    in hCG Comment by thebatacs July 2010
  • I am so glad that this question was asked!! I am finishing up the first load day today and have the second tomorrow, so I guess I officially start the restricted calories on Friday, but I play alot of soccer and I LOVE Turbo!! I am hoping that I will not have to give it up and have been really worried about it. I am really…
  • I absolutely LOVE Turbo Jam!! It is on Beachbody, and I am not a coach, but there are many that are on this site, so I would see if you can peg one of them. There are a couple of feeds out there, so just type it in the search option, and you will see a ton of people singing its praises. I know there are people out there…
  • TUES 3/9/10 Gabby-6 Stephanie - 8 Heather - 2 Jill - 8 Callie - 6 Catherine -5 romst19 - 67 Stacey - 3 Heidi - 7 Nolachick - 7 Nancy - 7 Lindsay- 3 Mary-2 Kim - 3 Elyse - 4 Tammy - 7 days!! Lana - 5 Jen-4 Miann - 6 Becky - 7 Kathy - 2 Anna - 7 Amber- 1 LaToya - 1 aisser- 5 Erin- 2 Silke-3
  • Sunday March 7th, 2010 Gabby-6 Stephanie - 6 Heather - 2 Jill - 6 Callie - 4 Catherine -4 romst19 - 6 Stacey - 3 Heidi - 7 Nolachick - 6 ( hadn't logged fri, sat and sunday :) ) Nancy - 6 Lindsay- 3 Mary-2 Kim - 3 Elyse - 2 Tammy - 4, although I did 2 workouts today... so 5?? Lana - 4 Jen-3 Miann - 5 Becky - 7 Kathy - 2…
  • Bump!! I have been totally wondering the same thing! To me, Insanity looks to be a little more fun, and not so drill like. Hopefully someone who has done Insanity will speak up!!
  • I have the set of 5 workouts, with the Punch, Kick and Jam as the bonus workout. I really have fun with this series!! And I just found out that there is a Turbo Kick in my area that I can go to!! (Not common in AK...) Thanks for joining in with me!!
  • Hello all, I am starting TJ 28 day program today and am super stoked!! I was doing Slim in 6, but it is just not amped enough for me. i look forward to hearing from people that enjoy the came form of exercise that I do!!
  • Thursday, March 4th Stephanie - 4 Heather - 1 Jill - 3 Callie - 4 Catherine - 3 romst19 - 3 Stacey - 2 Heidi - 4 Nolachick - 3 Nancy - 4 Lindsay- 3 Mary-2 Kim - 3 Elyse - 1 Tammy - 3 Lana - 3 Jen-2 Miann - 3 Becky - 4 Kathy - 2 Anna - 2 Amber- 1 LaToya - 1 aisser- 2 Erin- 2 Silke-3
  • I have the bodybugg and that is quite a bit lower than the MFP numbers as well. Awesome question!! And womderful responses as well! Thanks for all the great information.
  • Bump... Awesome topic and information provided!!
  • March 2, 2010 Stephanie - 2 Heather - 1 Jill - 2 Callie - 2 Catherine - 2 romst19 - 2 Stacey - 1 Heidi - 2 Nolachick - 2 Nancy - 1 Lindsay- 1 Mary-2 Kim - 1 Elyse - 1 Tammy - 2 Lana - 1 Jen-1 Miann - 2 Becky - 2 Kathy - 2 Anna - 1 Amber- 1 Woo Hoo!! Way to go everyone!! There sure are alot of "2's" up there!!
  • I would love to join as well!! And, I did workout yesterday!! Yeah! So.... as of March 1st : Stephanie - 1 Heather - 1 Jill - 1 Callie - 1 Catherine - 1 romst19 - 1 Stacey - 1 Heidi - 1 Nolachick - 1 (also day 1 of 30 day shred! ) Nancy - 1 Lindsay- 1 Mary-1 Kim - 1 Elyse - 1 Tammy - 1 Good luck everyone!!