
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Phase 2, Day 5, VLCD#3

    Thanks for the iced tea idea! I did indeed make up a pitcher and I can see that will be a staple in my new diet - I love it!

    I ended up eating the apple last night - couldn't wait for the grocery store (I worked til 9pm) so I was over at 533.

    Today my eating was at more reasonable times, but since I am using 90% lean beef I was over again at 548. I have two more prepared servings of the 90% lean beef then I am switching to 96% lean. That should help on the calorie overage.

    Feeling great!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    i use bison rather than beef. don't know if it's available where you are. push the tea and have you tried water with lemon? you need to drink for better results in my experience on this.
  • ampalomba
    ampalomba Posts: 6 Member
    HCG diet has been great for me. I am current on day 16 of P2 R3. I haven't been hungry and my energy level has been great. I am currently down 15.8 lbs. this round. Total of 39 lbs. down. If you want some great support for this diet, try checking out hcgvanillaforum. You can get a lot of great information here on HCG.

    I am doing the hHCH, homopathic drops. I take 11-12 drops 3 x day. No hunger. Lots of energy. And my skin looks great.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    This just seems totally unhealthy , I am sorry, I am not usually a negative person around here, but this one is too much .
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    If we trust the science behind the diet, then the low calorie intake is supplemented by the stored fat reserves in our bodies, and the HCG causes the body to release those stored fat calories for consuption in the absence of intake calories.

    I am on R1, P2, D8 VLCD#6 (round one, phase 2, day 8) and have lost a net 9.2 lbs without hunger, weakness, fatigue or other side effects.

    It sure seems to be working.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I never said it doesn't work, I said it seems unhealthy.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I wouldnt do it . :frown:
    I would definitely agree, eating healthy and keeping up with excercise is a lifestyle we can stick with. A quick fix that isn't intended for long term is simply a diet. Diets don't last and as most of us know, we not only gain back the weight we lost quickly but much more besides.

    Tami is a wonderful example of someone doing it the healthy way, changing her eating patterns, regular workouts and thus dropping 170 lbs with no surgeries, no special miracle noodles (lol) or hocus pocus potions.

    Somthing to think about. Looking for a quick fix? Then definitely a diet is the way to go. Looking to get healthy and change your way of life for good and be able to sustain it and improve your health along the way, then the old fashioned healthy way is best:drinker:


    ** Just noticed some sharing you eat 500 cals a day on this diet????:noway:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I wouldnt do it . :frown:
    I would definitely agree, eating healthy and keeping up with excercise is a lifestyle we can stick with. A quick fix that isn't intended for long term is simply a diet. Diets don't last and as most of us know, we not only gain back the weight we lost quickly but much more besides.

    Tami is a wonderful example of someone doing it the healthy way, changing her eating patterns, regular workouts and thus dropping 170 lbs with no surgeries, no special miracle noodles (lol) or hocus pocus potions.

    Somthing to think about. Looking for a quick fix? Then definitely a diet is the way to go. Looking to get healthy and change your way of life for good and be able to sustain it and improve your health along the way, then the old fashioned healthy way is best:drinker:


    ** Just noticed some sharing you eat 500 cals a day on this diet????:noway:

    Thank you Becca :flowerforyou:
  • msrichmond
    msrichmond Posts: 18
    @Tamishumate, what exactly do you think is unhealthy about it? I've already explained how you only need 500 calories b/c you're using bodyfat as a true energy source at the rate of 1750-4000+ calories/day. So what exactly is unhealthy?

    It's very admirable that you've lost 170lbs, congratulations, but you have not done the least bit of research on HCG yet feel like you need to comment on it. How does your skin look after losing 170lbs?

    @Becca. If slow & steady wins the race, why is America the fattest nation on Earth? We have diet foods all over the place. Even fast food restaurants sell salads now, so nobody has any excuses. So why is it not working?

    I find it amusing that you laugh at Miracle Noodles. They are a God-send to all dieters, not just those using HCG. Made from pure yam fiber, have 0 calories, yet taste and feel similar to Ramen noodles. So you get your fiber without the calories. Sounds like a great thing to me. Of course, you never even bothered to research them at all before posting your opinion.

    And I've already explained multiple times how this is a life-long plan. The 500 calorie diet is just Phase 1. Yet you ignore that too. Did you read any part of this thread at all?

    To all of you researching whether or not HCG is right for you, you have to take these negative posts with a grain of salt. None of the negative posters have ever done the program! They haven't even bothered to read the free eBook detailing it. They have to use words like "seems like" and "can't be healthy" because they have no facts, just unsubstantiated opinions. It's like saying the newest Mercedes car doesn't drive very well without ever having driven it. How can they possibly know?

    Whereas all the positive posts come from people who have either done the program in the past or are currently doing it now. I know which source of opinions I prefer, people who have actually done it.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I have never heard of this diet before but it seems like a very low calorie diet, not sure of the content or whether or not you take nutritional supplements as well.

    Personally, I could never do something like this, I like food! but it can be a very valuable tool for people to get weight off very quickly if needed to rapidly improve chronic disease-related problems or as a pre-cursor to surgery. Really, it should only be being used in people who are very obese and who have tried other, safer weight loss approaches and failed. It should also definitely be done under the supervision of a doctor - to be honest, we (dietitians) would rarely if ever recommend that a VLCD be commenced outside of a hospital setting because the changes in your electrolyte levels can be severe.

    As for re-gaining the weight... it depends what you count as 'regaining the weight'. Research shows (sorry everyone) that a high percentage of people who lose weight gain it back, regardless of what method they used. Now research comparing VLCDs and standard diet show for example:

    VLCD: Lost 50kg, regained 30kg, net weight loss 20kg
    Regular diet plan: Lost 20kg (this was over the same time frame), regained 10kg, net weight loss 10kg.

    So as you can see, the VLCD group regained more, but they also lost more and their net weight loss was still more. This particular study (although I havent used their actual numerical results) was over 8 years so who knows what happened after that.
  • ampalomba
    ampalomba Posts: 6 Member
    I have to agree with everything that msrichmond is saying. It's a real shame people can knock a program down that they know nothing about. You need to do some research on it before you can comment about it. To me this has been the best weight loss program I have ever done. I have tried just about every program and diet pill out there and was never very successful. I don't know about everyone else, but I can not live the low fat life style. I have to eat real food. All I know is that when I was inbetween rounds, I was eating any where from 1800 - 2500 cals. I maintained my weight perfectly and I was eating great. I just stay away from unhealthy sugars and only ate good carbs. I did not limit my protein or fat, but did try to eat more of the healthy fats.

    I have lost 39 lbs. so far and I am currently working on my last 23 lbs. I feel great with lots of energy. I am not hungry and have no cravings. My skin looks great and no problems with saggy or loose skin. I have learned a whole new way of eating that suits my lifestyle perfectly. My bloodwork looks great and i FEEL healthier than I have felt in over 20 years.
  • faithhope7777
    faithhope7777 Posts: 11 Member
    I really want to thank you for providing this information I heard good and bad things about HCG, your information really helps me put it all in perspective
    thanks again
  • ampalomba
    ampalomba Posts: 6 Member
    Check out this forum. http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgvanillaforum/discussions/

    Of all the sites I have been to, this one has the best support and information.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    It is working well for me. Net loss in 10 days 10.2 lbs. There's no way I'd be seeking new, smaller 'goal' jeans otherwise!

  • thebatacs
    thebatacs Posts: 20 Member
    Just started day 2 cram day... so definite BUMP!! I too will do my best to keep my progress updates on here. I am so excited to see what this can do for me. I have about 50lbs that I would like to lose, anything more would be a much welcomed bonus.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368

    6/13/10 Day 1 weight 184.8
    7/1/10 Day 19 weight 168.4
    Net loss 16.4 lbs

    I was at Kmart yesterday and grabbed a pair of size 8 jeans off the rack . . . . . and they fit. :laugh: (Lee riders)

    This is a whole new world for me.

    Goal this round: 159 (or close)
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    had my labs and medical review yesterday. Cholesterol and triglycerides levels are finally well into normal range--i can't do statins due to allergies. Both doctors were very impressed and we reviewed my nutrition and transition to maintenance phase later this month. Liked their scale better than my nemesis at home, but to be fair, i will just go with the reading on mine.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    had my labs and medical review yesterday. Cholesterol and triglycerides levels are finally well into normal range--i can't do statins due to allergies. Both doctors were very impressed and we reviewed my nutrition and transition to maintenance phase later this month. Liked their scale better than my nemesis at home, but to be fair, i will just go with the reading on mine.
    How far out of range were you chol and tri levels before? Did you do a 23-day or 43-day protocol?
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