Turbo Jam/Turbo Kick/ChaLEAN Extreme Fans!



  • Hey, I'm a former TJ and CEer who so needs to get back on the wagon. (I've been saying I'll start again tomorrow since Thanksgiving)
    I love how energetic TJ makes you feel, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVEd how I felt after finishing a CE workout (but have never made it past phase 1)

    here is making sure that tomorrow starts tomorrow for sure.


    Hi Jenn,
    I love all of Chalene's workouts, but CE is my absolute favorite! I'm on my 3rd 3 month rotation (in the Push phase now). There have definitely been times when I haven't felt like maintaining the workouts for 3 full months, but one trick that helps me get through is to commit to doing the weight lifting days no matter what. If I'm feeling run down or tired I'll let myself slide on the other workouts, or substitute waliking/running/yoga, etc. That way, at the end of the month I'm ready to move onto the next phase because I've done all the weight lifting. And the Push phase is my favorite!! I really see a huge difference in my body definition here, so it's a great goal to work towards.

    Good Luck!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone!

    Last night I hit the treadmill for about 30 minutes and covered a little over 3 miles. I'm not very fast, but it was my warm up to my LEAN circuit. I am on my 2nd week of the LEAN phase and I really love it. I love that it works your core while its working both your arms and legs. I'm trying to focus more on the core and keeping it firm while doing the exercises. Flat tummy, here I come!
    I've been on a bit of a plateau for the last 22 days (i've been counting!) and I've been doing everything right, so I'm hoping with me starting the LEAN phase I will trick my body, since I think it got used to the PUSH phase.

    Megan- that is great you are on your 3rd rotation!! I love this program and I am so glad I found it! Do you also do Turbo Kick? Its like Turbo Jam...its just a more "amped" up version of Turbo Jam. Its a little more complicated with the moves (for advanced Turbo Jammers), its great. I get such a great workout out of it. Pretty much I love Chalene Johnson...she rocks my world.
  • Megan- that is great you are on your 3rd rotation!! I love this program and I am so glad I found it! Do you also do Turbo Kick? Its like Turbo Jam...its just a more "amped" up version of Turbo Jam. Its a little more complicated with the moves (for advanced Turbo Jammers), its great. I get such a great workout out of it. Pretty much I love Chalene Johnson...she rocks my world.

    Hi Dawna!
    Great job on Chalean Extreme!! Yep, I've done Turbo Kick too, in fact last fall I was registered to take an instructor training class, but I hurt my back. I'll keep looking for the next one in my area. I also love what the Lean Phase does for my core! I really don't do any additional ab work aside from really concentrating on my core when I lift, and my abs have never been tighter! Chalene definitely rocks!!

    I'm sure the Lean Phase will help you get over your plateau. I'd really concentrate on how your clothes feel more than the scale, because you've definitely built some muscle in the Push Phase!
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Hey Jammers!!!!! I am new to this site, but not to Turbo Jam. I first bought it in 2006 and tend to rotate her workouts with some of Jillian's or the Biggest Loser Cardio Maxx. As of Feb 1st I started to get heavily back into the swing of things with TJ. I have the 5 disc workout with the extra cardio party 2 & lower body jam. I am following the beginner workout schedule (and adding in some extra barrre method workouts 3xs a week for extra strength) and I am currently on week two day 3 (Cardio Party). My question is, once I finish the month of the recommended workouts, i usually just start over from the beginning (usually because I dont finish or have too many rest days and restart) but I was wondering what all of you do during the week, or could help me plan out a schedule when these next two weeks are up! Any input would be greatful! Thanks!!

  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    just about to go to punch kick and jam - love that one!!! Doing it with the weighted gloves too - WOO HOO
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    just about to go to punch kick and jam - love that one!!! Doing it with the weighted gloves too - WOO HOO

    That has always been my favorite one; I don't do a lot of TJ anymore - mostly the gym and Slim in 6 right now - but it feels like good ole times when I pop in PK&J.
  • I love, love, love Turbo Jam! I lived in Japan (on AF base) and my next door neighbor got me hooked on it. I lost 15 lbs and toned up. When I moved back to the states, I didn't have the TJ dvd's any longer (as I was working out with her and using her disc), so I stopped doing it and started losing my shape slowly started packing lbs on...about 2 years ago, I got TJ as a gift (someone finally got tired of hearing me complain about no longer having it I guess [= ). I started working out again and saw some results. I got pregnant in August of 2008 and I kind let myself go and enjoy (and took advantage of) my pregnancy and ate whatever I wanted! Big mistake that I'm paying for dearly now. I'm up 20lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, and Its killing me. I'm bigger now than I've ever been!! I'm getting back into working out and I look forward to using Turbo Jam to help me get there. I know that the program works, and I'm SO looking forward to those amazing results! Turbo Jam just makes you feel so good while your doing it and after you've done it! You feel so energized and you can't help but smile even when you are exhausted!!
  • I love, love, love Turbo Jam! I lived in Japan (on AF base) and my next door neighbor got me hooked on it. I lost 15 lbs and toned up. When I moved back to the states, I didn't have the TJ dvd's any longer (as I was working out with her and using her disc), so I stopped doing it and started losing my shape slowly started packing lbs on...about 2 years ago, I got TJ as a gift (someone finally got tired of hearing me complain about no longer having it I guess [= ). I started working out again and saw some results. I got pregnant in August of 2008 and I kind let myself go and enjoy (and took advantage of) my pregnancy and ate whatever I wanted! Big mistake that I'm paying for dearly now. I'm up 20lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, and Its killing me. I'm bigger now than I've ever been!! I'm getting back into working out and I look forward to using Turbo Jam to help me get there. I know that the program works, and I'm SO looking forward to those amazing results! Turbo Jam just makes you feel so good while your doing it and after you've done it! You feel so energized and you can't help but smile even when you are exhausted!!

    Welcome! Congrats on your new baby and for recommiting to getting in shape. I'm sure you'll find this thread is the next best thing to having a workout buddy!
    Best Wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • Megan,
    Thanks so much!! Congrats on losing 20 lbs!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    another round of punch kick and jam followed by ab jam with weighted gloves - lord my abs are sore - but sore inteh good way
    gearing up for chalean extreme to start when we get back from our trip in March
  • I love turbo jam, expecially the ab jam works so good. I just go a new one the Turbo kick and I love it to. Alot more fun than the treadmill and you don't even notice the time going by.
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Just got done doing the Turbo Sculpt. It's been awhile since I've done that one and I will admit, I had a hard time keeping up!!! Had to loose the weights half way through!! Im glad I stuck it out because next week im doing it 2xs. Tomorrow is CP1 (if i have enough time in between jobs, might do 20 min workout if Im short on time) and I only have 1 more week of the beginner workout plan. Yay.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hey, where's everyone been?!?! Just started the CE Lean Phase this morning...I forgot what a Love/Hate relationship I have with this phase,:tongue: . It's so effective, but soooo painful! I can barely lift my arms to the keyboard! :sad: :laugh:
    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • thebatacs
    thebatacs Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all, I am starting TJ 28 day program today and am super stoked!! I was doing Slim in 6, but it is just not amped enough for me. i look forward to hearing from people that enjoy the came form of exercise that I do!!
  • Minnow21
    Minnow21 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone I am NEW to this site but I thnk Im going to really LOVE it here and feel at home. Im a HUGE Chalene Johnson fan and love Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Kick and am super excited for Turbo Fire. Just posted some videos from Summit of TURBO FIRE LIVE... check them out when yo uget a chance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-DKH3qs9Yk thanks ttys Mindy Wender
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jam Fans!!
    Just had to check in - I saw some old faces from the previous TJ Thread and wanted to say hi! I am not currently doing TJ regularly right now ( although I did her TJ 20 min this am and Fat Blaster last night!) I usually give her a spin two or three times a week because she is fun and you feel great afterwards!! . I started doing Shred and some other JM dvds thru the beginning of the year.
    In Feb it was on my heart to give up the cigarettes and after much negotiating with myself, in March I finally quit smoking:heart: !! My eating has just been out of whack majorly. I picked up about 13lbs give or take and i'm still working on getting my diet under control. At least i'm no longer gaining!! I am starting P90 (not the "x" just the regular! :laugh: ) today, hopefully, if Mr Postman says the same and I'm looking forward to starting something new. Zumba is on the way as well for FUN, high cal burn cardio!! I love my TJ but I just need something different right now. Chalene gives an awesome work out but I think my body got used to the rotation or something. I don't seem to be able to drop the weight like I was doing using TJ last year.:ohwell: even when eating better????
    I got a HRM and I was really surprised that I waaay over-estimated my cal burn using the site calculations (either high intensity aerobics or kick boxing). So I been trying her dvds using the values from my Polar HRM and it's been an interesting comparison. ie : TJ 20 min mfp - 247 cals HRM 125, CP3 - mfp 469 HRM 325 . That may not be true for everybody but it's what i've dicsovered.
    I'll probably be checking in with you guys - i do love my tj and using it last year totally changed my body and how I feel about myself. Even though I've gained weight I am still defined and carry it better. Trying really hard not to focus so much on the numbers on the scale but being fit and healthy!!

    Good luck to all of us on the journey and make it a great day,
  • ebbie76
    ebbie76 Posts: 3
    HI everyone!
    I too am doing Turbo Jam and I love it. I started out weighing 220 and now I am down to 206. Love Turbo Jam, I just dont know how to add it to my workout here can anyone help?
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    HI everyone!
    I too am doing Turbo Jam and I love it. I started out weighing 220 and now I am down to 206. Love Turbo Jam, I just dont know how to add it to my workout here can anyone help?

    I'm in between heart rate monitors so I use a general calculation that I got. I searched the web and found that the best way is to find a good calculation for kick boxing.
  • Dmatkin
    Dmatkin Posts: 8
    Hi, everyone! I have just finished my first round of Chalean Extreme. I am doing Turbo Jam now trying to get ready for Turbo Fire. I am counting the days!!

    I still feel a little less coordinated than I would like, but since it's just me, I laugh it off. I'm so glad that a class environment isn't the only place to get this great workout.

    As far as adding your workout, you could type in kickboxing and it has a note that says it includes Turbo Jam. I wear a heart rate monitor that tells me the calorie burn, so I just use that.

    Hope that helps!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey! I'm about to finish my round of P90X but I definitely plan to try out Turbo Fire after my Insanity round (late August).
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