Turbo Jam/Turbo Kick/ChaLEAN Extreme Fans!

fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Welcome to all that LOVE Chalene Johnson's workouts! Please join us!


  • I'm a fan. Follow Chalene on Twitter now and really admire her not only for her amazing w|o but also her great fitnessa and health advice. Truly an inspiration! And so much energy!

    New for me is integrating weight resistance into my routine - using Turbo Scupt twice a week and love it! Will move on to Chalene Extreme next.
  • I love Turbo Jam and have been doing it consistently for 5 weeks now! I use the weighted gloves with all of the TJ workouts and definitely see the change! Charlene is great!
  • Hi ladies ..

    Okay, I have to ask --- how long did it take before you were able to complete the workouts without feeling completely discombobulated & awkward & just plain out of breath?

    I have the Turbo Jam DVDs and have tried them before in the past, but I just can't seem to catch on to it in a comfortable manner. It all just seems to go so quickly for me & I get confused and I have to bow out because I can't catch my breath.

    Just to give you an idea -- I'm about 5'5", 200 pounds and under 40 years old. I'm out of shape, but I can follow along to the Wii Fit usually without too much difficulty. (My Personal Trainer, though, on the Wii, kicks my butt - I can't even get through the initial test without failing).
  • Hi Everyone,

    I have been doing Turbo Jam since June of 2009! I have lost a total of 50 pounds!! At first it was very hard, I will admit! But Chalean keeps you going and the moves are AWSOME!!
  • Hi TJ fans!
    I haven't been on the msg boards in ages, but I've been doing CE faithfully for the past year, and TJ for 2 years now. I miss everyone from the old TJ thread, it was great motivation..so thanks for starting this thread Erika, I'm looking forward to seeing all you turbo jammers on here!!

    Megan :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi TJ fans!
    I haven't been on the msg boards in ages, but I've been doing CE faithfully for the past year, and TJ for 2 years now. I miss everyone from the old TJ thread, it was great motivation..so thanks for starting this thread Erika, I'm looking forward to seeing all you turbo jammers on here!!

    Megan :flowerforyou:

    Welcome back Megan! There's still a few of us "old" faces on here, so we'll have fun seeing you back here!
  • Tiff_09
    Tiff_09 Posts: 5,627 Member
    I absolutely loved Turbo Jam. Did it all of 2008 (lost 15lbs), got pregnant early 2009 and now baby girl is 4 weeks old.
    I need to get back on the Turbo Jam kick! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I don't have Chalene Extreme... any good???
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi ladies ..

    Okay, I have to ask --- how long did it take before you were able to complete the workouts without feeling completely discombobulated & awkward & just plain out of breath?

    I have the Turbo Jam DVDs and have tried them before in the past, but I just can't seem to catch on to it in a comfortable manner. It all just seems to go so quickly for me & I get confused and I have to bow out because I can't catch my breath.

    Just to give you an idea -- I'm about 5'5", 200 pounds and under 40 years old. I'm out of shape, but I can follow along to the Wii Fit usually without too much difficulty. (My Personal Trainer, though, on the Wii, kicks my butt - I can't even get through the initial test without failing).

    It took me several times of going through the workouts to get the moves down. I'm not very coordinated either. But, I would just start and if I had to make up my own moves at certain parts to get through the first few times, I did that. Eventually you'll get it!
  • Hi- I too love Turbo Jam! I have been doing it regularly since August and have lost 32 lbs ( less snacking has also contributed to that and biking). I am currently digging the 3T video w/ tubing...I am actually getting kinda toning and I actually have biceps now! I have suggested turbo jam to many friends & fam. I say stick with it- you WILL eventually learn the moves and it will become second nature! I am looking for more variety now...and interested in chalean extreme and the turbo kicks videos.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi- I too love Turbo Jam! I have been doing it regularly since August and have lost 32 lbs ( less snacking has also contributed to that and biking). I am currently digging the 3T video w/ tubing...I am actually getting kinda toning and I actually have biceps now! I have suggested turbo jam to many friends & fam. I say stick with it- you WILL eventually learn the moves and it will become second nature! I am looking for more variety now...and interested in chalean extreme and the turbo kicks videos.

    The TurboKick videos would probably be right up your alley, as they are Turbo Jam with higher intesity and some fun moves that will keep you challenged. ChaLEAN Extreme is a strength training series of lifting heavy alternated with cardio drills. I LOVE it, but I also really like to lift heavy weights, so it's up my alley!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I absolutely loved Turbo Jam. Did it all of 2008 (lost 15lbs), got pregnant early 2009 and now baby girl is 4 weeks old.
    I need to get back on the Turbo Jam kick! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I don't have Chalene Extreme... any good???

    I LOVE ChaLEAN Extreme, as I really enjoy weight lifting. Her whole program is about lifting heavy to burn fat and firm up muscles. If you don't enjoy weight lifting, it might take a little time to get adjusted to it, but the results are amazing!
  • Tiff_09
    Tiff_09 Posts: 5,627 Member
    I absolutely loved Turbo Jam. Did it all of 2008 (lost 15lbs), got pregnant early 2009 and now baby girl is 4 weeks old.
    I need to get back on the Turbo Jam kick! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I don't have Chalene Extreme... any good???

    I LOVE ChaLEAN Extreme, as I really enjoy weight lifting. Her whole program is about lifting heavy to burn fat and firm up muscles. If you don't enjoy weight lifting, it might take a little time to get adjusted to it, but the results are amazing!
    I'm sure it would take me some time to adjust, but the weight lifting is def something I need!! I will have to look into that! Thank you!! :flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi Jammers! Today I took a rest day..bad night last night as well...ugh. I need to really fix things, so I might be scarce for a little while..feel free to msg me even though I might not be posting as much. I am really debating on whether or not to skip logging for awhile. I want to just eat what I want like a normal person, I KNOW I will be eating UNDER, but other days I'm sure over so in the long run I think it will even out. Have logged things in for the next few days though I'm on the border. I have decreased my calories to around 1600 with exercise (yes I know this sounds strange coz I just got the RD's advice) but I have gained a ridiculous amount of weight in the last few weeks and I want it gone. So by giving myself a slight deficit again I should be able to get it off. Besides, it has made me realize what a PIG I've been lately and that I NEED TO KNOCK IT OFF!
    Anyway, like I said..don't expect to hear much from me on here for a bit...I'm trying to work some things out. But I still want to keep in touch girls!
    Tomorrow I'm back at the gym for a longer run..hopefully I can get in around 60 minutes..we will see how my body feels...might be only 45...I really wanted to do some CE tonight because I missed spinning this AM but I got home late and it just wasn't happening, plus my body has felt WAY out of whack from the crappy eating again:ohwell:
    Have a good night girls, keep it up! I've been having a rough time lately, but soon to join you again!
  • jclguru
    jclguru Posts: 123
    Just finished my ChaLean Burn Circuit. I'm in the next phase now, Push.
    So far I like the push a little better than burn circuit.

  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    :smile: I just started Turbo Jam this week and I surprisingly made it through the the learn and burn and started the 20 minute workout. When i was done my body was dripping sweat and I felt really good. I've also been doing the hip hop abs which is what I was doing when I lost my first 20lbs. I plan to do both but I love Turbo Jam I'm so glad I bought them. It's high energy and I love the workout so I think eventually i will get all her stuff but for now I'm taking baby steps..:smile:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I love TJ!!! I'm also going to be taking a Turbo Kick class in March. It will be my first Turbo Kick expereience. I had a hard time with CE. I've done better with the weight machines at the gym. I'll give it a try again the next time I need to change up my workouts.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    So glad to see so many join this thread! Fun to see new faces and old!

    Well, this morning I decided to try out Insanity...did the fit test and really was impressed with my results. I'll be mixing Insanity in 1 time per week, CE 2 times per week, Turbo in 1 time per week, and various other DVD's througout the week. I'm excited to see what type of results this all brings!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning!
    Thanks for starting the new thread Erika---I was afraid that we were going to get locked out.

    Today I am feeling good, did Turbo Kick last night and then just relaxed for the remainder of the night. My body is very tired, like unusually tired- I am looking forward to the long weekend to catch up on sleep! Tonight is a cardio & ChaLean Extreme evening... Its my second week on the LEAN phase...and I really like it! I can feel the burn in my abs!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey I remember a few days ago we had a discussion about some new strength training DVDs to add to our collection to "mix" it up. I know you said you had returned P90X, can you message me and just let me know what you didn't like about it? I've been thinking about it for later down the road after I'm done with ChaLean.....but I just love the CE program that I'm scared I won't like it. Thanks!!
  • CynderJenn
    CynderJenn Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, I'm a former TJ and CEer who so needs to get back on the wagon. (I've been saying I'll start again tomorrow since Thanksgiving)
    I love how energetic TJ makes you feel, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVEd how I felt after finishing a CE workout (but have never made it past phase 1)

    here is making sure that tomorrow starts tomorrow for sure.

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