

  • Thank you! I will consider looking for some videos. I was just hoping for something more interactive for my mom and I, especially since I had bought a Wii console specifically for the fitness games.
  • Thanks for the replies, everyone. My current weight is 155 lbs. If I am able to lose weight to maybe 140 or even 135, that would be great, however, I assume that with all the working out I do, that I would be gaining muscle, so I probably would not be able to lose weight. I checked the MFP profile updater, it asks me 'How…
  • Wow, thank you, I ordered one from Best Buy! It said I can pick it up on Jan. 2!!
  • I wasn't sure if an electrolyte monitor existed, but it would be nice if one did. And I do Tae Kwon Do. I forgot to mention that I also do Parkour as well. Not really martial arts, but something else I'd like to track my activity, as well. HRM = Heart Rate monitor? We do a lot of hard contact punching and sparring in TKD…
  • I'm trying to build my abs, and I'm not sure about the diet part. I've been researching online and many places say you have to eat 5-6 times a day, and your calorie vs. protein count has to be a certain amount. It's all so confusing. How do I know how many calories and protein I need per day? I want to update my…