

  • Cardio on an empty stomach is fine, but never weigh training. You're body just uses your muscle for fule. I used to get up at am and make that same shake....its worth it.
  • My training partner and I were talking about this this morning, watching some poor girl so sets of 20+ on leg press downs....but she had no booty! She needed to be doing way more weight, and less reps to build a booty. You must first BUILD muscle, then TONE that muscle to your personal preferance. Since you are still on…
  • Smith machines are great! Legs, chest, shoulders! So great! Especially for beginners. As a new mom, squats on a smith machine also eliminate a ton of pressure from your obliques, keeping your waist slimmer :) There are 2 defferent smith machine stles, and knowing which one you're dealing with will greatly change your form.…
  • Eating in such a short time before working out will most likely make you more sick than anything. Your body needs about 45-60 min to digest enough food to fuel your workout. My fave 1st meal is :Blend: 1.5 scoops Vanilla Protein powder, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/3 cup quick oats (blended into a…
  • You should look into what macro-nutrients your body needs to survive, lose or gain weight. If you look at a typical fitness meal plan, we do not track calories. We track nutrients. For example Your breakfast was 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast Mine is: 25g complex carbs, 30g Protein, 10g sugar (fruit) and 15f Essential fatty…
  • The biggest piece of advice I can give you is weight lifting. Find a trainer, at a gym or a certified trainer that woks out of a home gym or smaller location. As you lose the weight, which you will :) the more you lift weights A) You will burn twice as many calories as doing cardio alone and B) You will slowly tighten your…
  • What you really need to ask yourself, is what body type do you want and what is "perfect" to you. YOu seem to be envious of the 'athletic' body types. If you like curves, and a 'healthy' looking body it takes a lot of work. And, most of those girls weigh way more than you think. At 5'5 I typically sit around 165-170lbs,…
  • The amount of calories you eat is far less important than what they are made up of. Complex carbs, proteins and fats (your 'macros')are necessary. Oats, sweet potato, quinoa, rice (yes, even white rice) lean meats, nut butters, avocado etc. These foods will keep you full and fuel your workouts. Also, remember, if you are…
  • Be careful with sports drinks. Be sure to find a Zero carb/sugar one. Otherwise, when you eat workout AND have a intra-workout gatorade for example, you have almost doubled your sugar and carbs. Your best intra-workout drink will be a low carb BCAA mixed with an electrolyte. They are tasty and give your body the…
  • About 60 minutes prior to any physical activity you should be consuming 200-400 calories. These should consist of complex carbs and protein. A good quality slice of bread/toast with a serving of a natural (no sugar added) nut butter is a quick easy one, also, a low carb/high protein shake is always easy to shake in a cup…