Sickness, dizziness and blurred vision after exercise

Hello all,

It's been 2 weeks now since downloading the app and trying to lose weight.

So far just with dieting I've lost 6 pounds :) even with a very nasty chest infection.

Anyway a little background which might help with my issue.

I'm 28 and weigh 20st 11lb. I have a desk job so not very active. When I ever have it checked I do have only very slightly high blood pressure. Has never been an issue but is probably due to my weight. Always checked for diabetes as mother in law is type 1 so every two weeks I'm being stabbed :).

So I probably know the reason for what happened tonight after a bike ride but was hoping for some help.

First bit of exercise for some time but took the bike out today and after about 3 miles and after a huge long hill I had a stop to have some water and suddenly I felt very sick and dizzy, also I almost lost my Vision and had a headache. After about 10 minutes I was feeling a little better so called the wife to come and grab me.

Bit embarrassed as leaving the house like all the gear but no idea and returning with the bike in the boot and like a zombie.

It's very strange as I didn't feel tired and was feeling ok.

Anyway I think it's a combination of low sugar level and dehydration and maybe over doing it a tad for my first time.

For some little more info I had lunch about 5 hours before and I don't really drink to much.

Really I'm just looking for some tips on what to do before I go out on the bike and on the day to make sure I'm prepared for it.

Anyway I shut up now.




  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member

    First, how many calories are you eating in a day? What was in the last meal you had before your bike ride? And also, have you been exercising while having a chest infection at the same time? I would certainly not recommend that.

    From what you've explained, I agree with you potentially having lower blood sugar/dehydration/pushing it too hard, causing you to feel that way. There have been times where I've exercised and I haven't properly fueled my body beforehand/during, and I've started to feel sick.

    I also suffer from asthma, and if I don't breathe properly during exercise it can result in a headache. It's generally a pounding one and it's a major sign that I need to slow down and make sure that I'm breathing through my nose (breathing through your nose warms the air and also cleans it before it enters your lungs). But if I'm holding my breath or not breathing steadily enough, my heart rate will shoot up and then I will suddenly feel disgusting.

    Make sure that you're getting the proper nutrients that you need and don't push your body too hard. You don't want to hurt yourself.
  • Moosello
    Moosello Posts: 15
    I definitely think you are on the right track for what may have caused your dizziness. I don't do too well exercising unless I've had a bit of food about an hour before. And drink more water! That will help a bunch too. :) If it continues after doing those two things, then there might be other issues.
  • danieljephcott
    So on around 1900 calories a day.

    The last time I ate was about 1pm. I have a healthy microwave lunch meal from sainsburys and an apple.

    This is the first bit of exercise as I had a chest infection. I'm 99% clear of that.

    So I know I need to drink more water and I suppose I'm going to have to force myself. Just not a big drinker.

    Any idea on how much water to drink a day. Also what would you suggest to eat before exercising.

    And thank you for the help so far
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    For someone your weight - by 20st you did mean 20 stone, yes? and then you said plus 11 pounds so that puts you at 291 - I think that you could be eating more than that. I'm 5'3'' and 121 lbs and my maintenance calories are 1730. I feel like yours should be a little higher, even with a deficit in order to lose weight.

    And yes, drinking water is very important, you have to stay hydrated. If you really hate water though and you can't make yourself drink enough, you could dry something like Gatorade, or other drinks with water still in them. (The blanket amount is 8 glasses a day. I'd say on days that I exercise I'm probably drinking about that amount).

    Before I exercise, and keep in mind that my routine isn't overly intense - I normally have some fruit. I know some people who will eat something like a protein bar beforehand, just something so that they're not running on empty.
  • danieljephcott
    Yeah 20st and 5ft 11. The app had said to stick to 1900 if I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week.

    I might grab some bars. I can have it just before leaving works and then I'm set to exercise about an hour later.

    I'll see how I get on with water, I didn't realise Gatorade stuff was any good, thought it was like a high sugar and caffeine energy drink.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Yeah 20st and 5ft 11. The app had said to stick to 1900 if I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week.

    I might grab some bars. I can have it just before leaving works and then I'm set to exercise about an hour later.

    I'll see how I get on with water, I didn't realise Gatorade stuff was any good, thought it was like a high sugar and caffeine energy drink.

    That's 1900 NET calories per day ... not 1900 total calories.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    Yeah 20st and 5ft 11. The app had said to stick to 1900 if I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week.

    I might grab some bars. I can have it just before leaving works and then I'm set to exercise about an hour later.

    I'll see how I get on with water, I didn't realise Gatorade stuff was any good, thought it was like a high sugar and caffeine energy drink.

    I believe there is some sugar in it but in this case, with you almost losing your vision/feeling dizzy, a bit of sugar would be good. But also, not that this always signifies when something is healthy for you, but there are Gatorade ads all over the place here and a lot of athletes will drink it.

    And yes, it means 1900 per day is what you're netting. So if you've worked out your daily meals and it totals 1900, but then you're exercising and burning say, 400 calories, you can technically eat 2300 in total in order to net 1900 calories. Otherwise, you're only netting 1500 and that doesn't sound very good for someone your height/weight.
  • stacynoell
    stacynoell Posts: 41 Member
    have a good snack about 1 hour before exercising, especially if you haven't eaten a meal, good snacks are under 200 calories, with 8-10 grams of protein and 15 or fewer grams of carbs. protein bar, 1 slice wheat toast with 1 tbsp pb, 2 slices of deli ham, 1/2 slice cheese and a small banana or apple are my go to faves. Have with a full glass of water.
  • cgallagher1019
    About 60 minutes prior to any physical activity you should be consuming 200-400 calories. These should consist of complex carbs and protein. A good quality slice of bread/toast with a serving of a natural (no sugar added) nut butter is a quick easy one, also, a low carb/high protein shake is always easy to shake in a cup at your desk as you leave work, and digested by the time you get home or to the gym. Also, post work out, within 30min you need to eat about 25g carbs (minimum, depending on the workout, more if you were weightlifting) and protein. Again, a post-workout shake will have all you need. If you do not fuel your workouts your body will use your muscle as fuel, not food or excess fat.
  • cgallagher1019
    Be careful with sports drinks. Be sure to find a Zero carb/sugar one. Otherwise, when you eat workout AND have a intra-workout gatorade for example, you have almost doubled your sugar and carbs.
    Your best intra-workout drink will be a low carb BCAA mixed with an electrolyte. They are tasty and give your body the necessary nutrients to push through any work out. Always check sugr and carb contents. It os always better to combine different drinks to achieve a goal than be stuck with the same combo and not need some ingredients, say, on an active rest/cardio day vs a normal weights and cardio day. I am a bodybuilder, so on heavy lifting days (like today I'll do Quads, hams and glutes and almost max my PR) I will add Carbs to my intra workout drink because my body will use them immediately and they won't be stored. But on any other day, I won't add the carbs as I feel my body doesn't need extra with the smaller muscle groups.
    I hope this helps.
    Oh, and make sure you're getting your EFA's 3-4 meals a day if weightloss is your goal.
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    If I run on a treadmill I get dizzy when i step off and feel sick. I think its either an inner ear thing or some some visual thing caused from running without really going anywhere.
    if I do elliptical trainer Im fine and i love that machine a lot.

    try other forms of exercise. biking might not be right for you. or if its new to you, will take getting used to.
    like sailors on a boat adapt to sea sickness.
  • danieljephcott
    thank you all for your information, at the moment im only going to be exercising 2-3 times a week for about 45 mins so nothing to major.

    I think if i start drinking more water and possibly have a protien shake or bar an hour or so before i go out on my bike i think my body will be fueled up enough and i shouldnt experience this again. i have been given some advice from a friend who is a runner that if i carry a bottle of half water, half orange juice with a small spoon of sugar this is a good pick me up if i need it.

    Lets see how i get on hopefully i should be ok.