Preworkout snack for morning workouts?

I like to workout in the morning these days, but I also LOVE to eat big breakfasts. What do you eat right before a morning workout that will be like 10-20 minutes after you eat?


  • cgallagher1019
    Eating in such a short time before working out will most likely make you more sick than anything. Your body needs about 45-60 min to digest enough food to fuel your workout. My fave 1st meal is :Blend: 1.5 scoops Vanilla Protein powder, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/3 cup quick oats (blended into a flour), and enough water to make it a smooth shake. This is 20g carbs, 10g sugar (the good kind from fruit), 30g protein, 5g EFA. Quick, easy and everything you need to start the day :)
    Getting up a bit early is def worth it in the long run.....or if your my fiance you drink the shake in the shower, lol
    I drink mine around 8:30 and get to they gym for a 60min weight, 40min cardio session by 9:40. Hope this helps!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Nothing - I workout around 5am, and I'm not getting up any earlier to eat something and have enough time for it to digest. :tongue: I do just fine both on strength/dumbbell days and running days on an empty stomach.

    In winter when I run around mid morning, I usually eat oatmeal, or toast with peanut butter and maybe half a banana 2-3 hours before I run.
  • cgallagher1019
    Cardio on an empty stomach is fine, but never weigh training. You're body just uses your muscle for fule.
    I used to get up at am and make that same shake....its worth it.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I just started back in w/4:a.m. WOs, and no time for digestion, so coffee and water, don't know how healthy it is; however I do get my protein in after.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Cardio on an empty stomach is fine, but never weigh training. You're body just uses your muscle for fule.
    I used to get up at am and make that same shake....its worth it.

    I weight train on an empty stomach 3 times a week and I've put on