

  • ALWAYS tell your doctor what you are up to. If you don't feel comfortable saying what you are doing then find a doctor you can talk to.
  • My husband thinks duct tape fixes everything....yes he is a comedian. He has more than once mentioned he needs to have his mouth taped shut to avoid food temptations. He has a harder time controlling himself than I do. Food addiction is very hard and nobody can make you stop but you. This video attachment is something I've…
  • Screw those A-holes and the glass house they live in. My conversation went something like this: "Do you have any idea how it feels to be me? The stress I'm under on a daily basis having a child with autism would bring you all to a fetal position by the end of the day so unless you walk in my shoes my weight issues are none…
  • Barbiecat knows what she is talking about....Look at that weight loss! Good Job! Don't think about how much you have to go.........think about how much you'll lose and how great you will feel when you start losing weight. Just start keeping track of what you are eating and start taking some walks before or after dinner to…
  • I have Comcast cable on Demand and they have lots of exercise options on Fit TV I can get instantly. They even have a belly dancing one! I think that's really neat! All types of levels of activity.....everybody can find something they like there. Nice to have so I'm not stuck buying DVD's all the time. Does anybody have…
  • Force of habit is a tough one. If you have to eat then just change what you consume. Do you like the feeling of a full stomach when you go to bed or do you really feel hungry when you go and get food? How many calories do you use at dinner? If your body is use to waking up and you feel hungry then try and eat an apple or a…
  • Jello no sugar dark chocolate pudding cups 60 calories!
  • Are you around a lot of temptation? Separate yourself from it if you can. I put my purse in my trunk when I'm driving around not only for safety, but it makes it impossible for me to be tempted to get fast food at the drive through. I'd have to find a place to park, pop my trunk, get out of my car, get the purse, and get…
    in failure! Comment by karenpeb April 2010
  • thank you very much for the link. :love:
  • I've been weighing it after cooked so I guess I'll keep doing that. Thanks guy for the responses.
  • Yes the road will be long on our path to being healthy again, but I look at is this way: "It took years to put the weight on myself so it's going to take a long time to take it off" & "Eat to live...........NOT...........live to eat" Make sure not to get discouraged and track all your food even on the days you go over. If…
  • I buy the 7% fat Ground Beef, but as it's cooking I'm smashing the heck out of it and it's releasing all the water and remaining fat out of the meat. It makes a big difference in what it weighs before and after cooking. I got some New York steaks and this slab of meat weighed 15 ounces before cooking. After removing the…
  • I'd eat cottage cheese, but my feet would swell from the amount of sodium in it. My mom had a great idea by putting crushed pineapple on top of it. Try it !!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ***SMACK*** There! Now get on it! :tongue: Remember it's "Eating to live........not live to eat!" Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Started MFP on a Saturday so that's my weigh in. I only weigh once a week, but in the first two weeks I was sabotaging myself by checking every few days and I'd get disappointed if it went up. Some days were heavier than others. I also stopped using my Wii to do my weight. It's just not accurate for me because I'd check my…
  • I tried the Shamrock Shakes at McDonald's before I started MFP and I gotta say I didn't like it as much. Maybe a bad batch or since growing up I've grown out of them. If you can stay below your calories for the day then I say do it.
  • Could it be menstral cycle? I know I go up and down because of that.
  • Wasn't the school calling you to report she wasn't coming to that class? Why did it take the school 24 school days to let you know she wasn't showing up for that class? If they don't or won't let you know she's not going to class then call them every Friday to make sure she's going and is never late. I've got a…
  • My in laws made it unbearable to visit them during the holidays so I can understand EXACTLY what you mean. I told them I didn't want to hear another word about mine or anybody's weight or if we were dieting because it was none of their business. The comments would only make me feel worse about myself and sabotage any…
  • I have a Wii Fit too and I noticed that problem. Luckily it tracks how many minutes you work out, but based on intensity the Free Step one does a continual 10 or 20 minutes of movement so I use that to base my workout time. I know there is a lot of down time in between the other games so I don't use the other ones. The…
  • FAT FREE PASTA SALAD 12 oz. pkg. pasta twirls 1 pkg. frozen mixed vegetables 1 c. fat free Italian salad dressing Cook pasta according to directions on package. Microwave the frozen vegetables. Drain the pasta, add the cooked vegetables. Stir in the salad dressing. Cover and chill for several hours. You can eat all you…