Low calorie snack ideas



  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    It sounds great but what is "Tahini Paste"??

    It's a peanut-butter-like consistency paste made of ground sesame seeds. It's a Greek / Middle-Eastern specialty.
  • Forgive my ignorance but is a crumpet the same as an English muffin?
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Crumpets to me look like a cross between a english muffin and a pancake. You can get them pre-made.. The snack I have been eating lately is just snacking on dry fiber one cereal. I like the crunch and it's filling.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I like to switch up my vegetables. I find snap peas and grapes are good if I want something sweet. I like baby carrots and broccoli if I want something a little more filling. Cucumber just because I love it and could eat it everyday without getting sick of it. I always eat dip with my veggies because then I don't feel like I am eating veggies because I should, with dip I actually enjoy them!

    I also love boiled egg whites or fat reduced cheese. Snacks are much more satisfying when they are accompanied by protein. Like the previous poster, I always have some kind of protein.

    On a side note... I love Crumpets (they are usually found near the english muffins at the grocery store)
  • karenpeb
    karenpeb Posts: 23
    Jello no sugar dark chocolate pudding cups

    60 calories!
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