

  • I think it makes a lot of sense to weigh every day, BECAUSE of the daily fluctuations we see. Weighing every morning helps me realise that these fluctuations really indicate a general average, not an exact weight-to-the-second-decimal-place. Therefore, seeing a gain of 2lb over a day makes me realise it's not "weight gain"…
  • The MFP peeps will have some great advice for you, so I'll let them do that while I send you some crisps ... () () () () () () (). That was 7 crisps. Sometimes you need a mini high-cal treat to confuse your body into losing weight again. Huge binges aren't usually recommended, which is why I only gave you 7. All the best…
  • "Should" has never been a guilty word for me - it has always helped me hold myself to higher standards and to try harder. It would be a guilty word for me if I were a guilty person, but I'm not.
  • I love it - if I stay consistent in my diet and exercise, its projections are pretty spot on for me. And often when I'm beating myself up because of a 'blowout' or a bad day, it shows that really, I've only blown out to maintenance calories, and shouldn't be so stressed. One day when I was two or three weeks into my MFP…
  • I'm not so sure. If it was me and I'd put sedentary when my days were active, MFP would set my calorie goal low enough to guarantee I would always be really hungry. I'd be tempted to blowout on food. I would probably do a mock-up food plan using both sedentary and lightly active. How many calories does MFP recommend on…
  • I love-love-love the term "boomboombs" and I'll be using it from now on. Cos mine sorta ARE.
    in BOOBS Comment by Givinya July 2011
  • Mashed banana and cinnamon!
  • Not being a doctor, I feel I shouldn't really chime in here but I do know a fair bit about BP. I am sure that 125 is not high, and shouldn't be classified as 'pre-hypertension.' Yes, 120/80 is called "normal" but your BP will fluctuate according to your activity and stress levels, and while doctors might be concerned if…
  • You can't let her voice bug you - you have to learn what she's about to say and say it for her. There's a bit in Level 1 where she says something like, "Can't we just do bicep curls?" and you've gotta be ready and say it with her: "NO YOU CANNOT!" How much of her commentary can you learn before you graduate to the next…