

  • Thats funny...
  • Girlfriend, dont do it...lol...If you eat any fat it will come out just like it went in... i.e. sloppy joe goes in and comes out looking the same... lol..nasty... if you can refrain from a lot of fat you will be okay, but why take it then if you can cut the fat yourself... basically if you take in 20 gm of fat, it will…
  • Hi , I am also new... About the calories in and exercise question... Dont the fitness guru's always say, eat least and move more? I think that MFP is just an average. Every person is different in their needs.. esp when your only 5 feet 1 inch like myself. I cant fathom eating 1200 calories in a day especially when I…
  • Try using the Fage brand greek yogurt... I couldnt choke down the Chobani either, but the Fage is really good... I actually let it sit out for about 25 min to room temp, add packet of truvia to it and it tasts like a vanilla flavor... its smooth and creamy not thick like chobani.... also watch the fruits added with things,…
  • Hey there... Check out the book "17 day diet" I posted this on here earlier, but not sure if everyone sees it.. im new to this so thought I would throw this infor your way... I bought this book on 17daydiet.com for 15 bucks... The Doctor show and Dr.Phil show were promoting it... It is the only "diet" that has ever worked…
  • Hi... Liquid diets I guess work for a quick fix for some people, but its a miserable time doing it... Get the book "17 day diet".. its great...you dont feel deprived, you can lose up to 15 pounds in the first 17 day phase... (i lost 12 in the first 17 day phase).. each phase introduces more variety of food and in the end,…