trying to broaden my horizon... Cottage Cheese and Greek Yog

mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
Okay so recently I have tried Chobani Greek Yogurt I basically choke it down until I can get used to the texture and since I'm such a sucker for punishment and because Cottage cheese is said to be good for you I purchased Breakstone cottage cheese doubles since they were on sale. So my first attempt didn't go well the texture about made me gag. So today I needed to have a snack so I figured might as well give it another try this time I added a packet of splenda pre mixed up the strawberry and cottage cheese. Still choking it down (not letting it stay in my mouth long before I swallow lol) none the less its going down and I'm not gagging plus it's only 100 calories can't really beat that one.

So if you eat cottage cheese how do you eat it??? Same goes for Greek Yogurt- both are good and pretty packed with protein.


  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    Mix cottage cheese with yogurt, fruit, cinnamon, pecans, raisins, cereal, etc
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Plain, or with fresh berries added. Love it plain, I also use greek yogurt in place of sour cream.
  • hiltonheadagain
    One way I like to eat Greek Yogurt is with a diced apple and a tablespoon of honey. The diced apple might really break up that consistency for you and make it easier to eat.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I like a little black pepper on mine. Sometimes put a little on a wheat thin and some paprika on top. Then you're getting a little crunch with it. Maybe that would help. I would say though if it is literally making you gag, you can eat something else. I think cottage cheese is on the salty side anyway.
    I've never tried the greek yogurt but I love the regular kind. :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    you can try adding dry oatmeal to the yogurt, or granola mix of some sort to give it a crunch if you prefer that texture.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I refuse to eat anything that doesn't taste good to me, esp. if it makes me gag. There is no law of weight loss that requires you to eat cottage cheese & greek yogurt.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I don't do plain greek yogurt. I have to get the flavored kind if i am going to eat it straight. the texture is hard to occomidate to. I like to use the plain greek as a replacement for mayo. LIke in egg salad or tuna salad. IT is actually really good that way. I always add mustard to those two also so maybe that is why i like it. I am alergic to dairy so i stay away from cottage cheese but the sight has always made me feel sick to my stomach. I know lots of people that eat it with fruit and pepper and a tad of salt. I am not sure i could even force it down no matter how it was put together. I have tried it in lazangna or how ever that is spelled and still did NOT like it.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Yaaaaay!! I finished my cottage cheese- guess I found the trick mix it up first and a packet of splenda and it wasn't that bad. I'm getting used to the Greek Yogurt it's a different consistency. I never put it on anything though so that's different.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I like cottage cheese plain. I have vanilla Greek yogurt but it still has that plain yogurt flavor which to me is gross, so I like to add 1/4 cup chopped almonds and 1/4 cup craisins to it.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Okay so recently I have tried Chobani Greek Yogurt I basically choke it down until I can get used to the texture and since I'm such a sucker for punishment and because Cottage cheese is said to be good for you I purchased Breakstone cottage cheese doubles since they were on sale. So my first attempt didn't go well the texture about made me gag. So today I needed to have a snack so I figured might as well give it another try this time I added a packet of splenda pre mixed up the strawberry and cottage cheese. Still choking it down (not letting it stay in my mouth long before I swallow lol) none the less its going down and I'm not gagging plus it's only 100 calories can't really beat that one.

    So if you eat cottage cheese how do you eat it??? Same goes for Greek Yogurt- both are good and pretty packed with protein.

    You seem to have the same problem I do.....texture issues with those two......though I do eat a lot of greek yogurt....I haven't yet tried cottage cheese......

    Chobani flavored yogurt isn't that bad....not as good as everybody raves it is....I was a bit disappointed......

    anyway, I normally get Yoplait 2x protein greek yogurt and put it in smoothies with f8 fusion.....1 container of the yogurt(6 oz) and 8 oz V8 fusion(strawberry banana, my fav) can also add a serving of some kind of fruit....but sometimes I don't......

    also, add some hidden valley ranch seasoning to some plain greek yogurt and it taste amazing with totally forget it's yogurt and not sour cream....
  • JennMuc
    JennMuc Posts: 70
    I don't like cottage cheese I use pepper and sometimes a tad of salt, with crackers...or sometimes I put in some cucumber or other veggies.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I just can't do greek yogurt, I've tried and tried and I choke down a few spoons and then surrender. It's just too tart.
    But I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove cottage cheese!!!!! Breakstone is my favorite too. I usually just eat it plain but occasionally I throw in Dole's crushed pineapple or pear halves.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I'm a fan of cottage cheese with more savory type flavors, like tomatoes, cucumbers, or green onions. I can't stand it with sweet, fruity, or texturally challenged items (like pureed anything or applesauce).

    As for Greek yogurts, try different brands. The textures do vary a bit. I can't handle Chobani, but love Fage and Oikos (by Stonyfield Farms). I haven't worked my way up to plain yet (except to use in recipes), but there's a decent variety of flavors available. And if you don't like any of them as-is, maybe try adding some to a fruit smoothie where it won't really be noticeable. Or make up a veggie dip (like ranch or onion) with a dry mix and plain Greek yogurt and use it with fresh veggies.

    Good luck on your adventures with new foods.
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    I mix my cottage cheese on my salads in replace of dressing, I like cottage cheese though. I also like it with just a little bit of a greek seasoning mix I found. I like it on my baked potatoes in replace of sour cream as well. Not so sure about the greek yougert though.
  • perichad
    perichad Posts: 7
    Try a different brand of the greek yogurt, I had one that made me gag, and then tried oikos and it is very smooth.
    One of my uses is to mix in some of the spicy ranch dip powder and use it as a dip with the special k sea salt chips....very yummy
  • michelegrayson
    OMG, I LOVE my greek yogurt! It has very high protein which I like as I'm trying to up my protein intake. Several ways I enjoy it includes:

    1) adding to my protein shakes (just 1/4 c makes it creamier)
    2) stirring in a cup of blueberries and putting it in the freezer for 10 minutes. A frozen dessert treat!
    3) Fruit Parfait: 1 layer of mixed berries, 1/4 c of Greek yogurt (I put in a bit of stevia and a vanilla flavoring to make it dessert like), repeat layers for 1 cup total of yogurt and 1 cup total of berries and top with a tBS of granola
    4) I use it as a substitute for Mayo and add to dips etc. If the BF is eating with me, I cut it in half with mayo as he would be able to tell the difference.If its just me I use it INSTEAD of mayo.

    Hope this helps!
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I'm a huge "texture" person myself...but for some reason...cottage cheese doesn't bother me at ALL! I have it every day for lunch, with just a little garlic powder in it....nothing else. I don't know if it makes a difference that I get small curd? Good luck though!
  • lgreenawalt1
    Try using the Fage brand greek yogurt... I couldnt choke down the Chobani either, but the Fage is really good... I actually let it sit out for about 25 min to room temp, add packet of truvia to it and it tasts like a vanilla flavor... its smooth and creamy not thick like chobani.... also watch the fruits added with things, lots off sugar/carbs in those... always stick with the plain...

    laura g
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I HATE cottage cheese, it's a texture thing, I couldn't eat it off a spoon to save my life! But I do put it in my smoothies, it tastes like yogurt & I also put it in my lasagna & manicotti & I like it just fine then. It is very good for you!
    As for the Greek yogurt, try different brands & flavors & I'm sure you'll find one that you like. My Dave is liberte coconut flavor.... Yummmmm!!!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Mmm :love: Greek yogurt! Plain, or with some fruit tossed in or some cereal mixed in. Or just out of the container plain. The plain is an acquired taste but once you get the hang of it, YUM! I think part of why I love it so much is because I know how healthy it is plus I love love love the texture of Greek yogurt.

    Cottage Cheese,:smokin: might grind up a bit of fresh pepper one time, or I might but some pineapple chunks in another time, depends on my mood. Love it plain too! SUPER DUPER high in sodium though but a great protein food. I love it but have to really plan my days out when I include it as it's nearly 500 mg of Sodium for 1/2 c. :frown: I keep my sodium to 1500mg a day so that's already nearly a 1/3 of it. EEK! Oh another thing I enjoy with the cottage cheese is crackers, like saltines, not sure if it's simply the cracker texture or the salt. LOL But when I do that I keep it to like 4 crackers.

    Ya know even if the food is good for you but turns out to be something your palette can't take, you don't have to eat it, so many other great foods out there that are healthy that you might already enjoy. As karensoxfan shared.:wink::drinker:

    ETA: @skinnyme125 never thought of using Greek Yogurt in place of mayo, thanks! I'll give that a try, also love the idea of mixing a tad of Hidden Valley in it for veggies, thanks gang for that idea as well. :flowerforyou: