have you tried alli



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
  • lgreenawalt1
    Girlfriend, dont do it...lol...If you eat any fat it will come out just like it went in... i.e. sloppy joe goes in and comes out looking the same... lol..nasty... if you can refrain from a lot of fat you will be okay, but why take it then if you can cut the fat yourself... basically if you take in 20 gm of fat, it will block probably 8 of those grams, not all of it... My secret is cut the carbs and only use extra virgin olive oil for your fat...its heart healthy... stick to meat and vegies and lots of water.. no sugar no carbs.. or very little carbs.. limit yourself to 20 or less carbs a day for week 1-2... then up your carb allowance to 30 on week 3 and 40 on week 4... etc... then when you start to gain weight back, cut the carbs back a little and that will be your carb goal you can eat in a day. by day #5 of starting this low carb diet, you will have lost probably 5-6 pounds... it will taper off but every other day you will see some sort of weight loss... Remember "its a lifestyle, not a diet..." good luck.. :)
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    Nope and I never will!! Any product that recommends that you carry a spare set of pants with you because you may have "anal leakage" is a definite no-no in my book!! Go to their website and read the reviews and I promise you that you won't want to take it...One lady wrote a review and said her poop was like orange spaghetti grease and stained her toilet!! NO THANK YOU!!

    Personally I don't like the idea of taking anything to lose because you can't rely on pills forever. The best way is to take the time to learn the good eating habits that you can sustain for life...There is no quick fix for weight loss...Slow and steady wins the race!!
  • lgreenawalt1
    Thats funny...
  • mmelledge
    "Anal Leakage" doesn't sound like fun. But it would be a great name for a punk band.

    OMG! hahaha

    Back in college we said if we ever started a punk band we'd call it "the Dead Potato Bugs."
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I have taken Xenical, which is the same drug but double the strength, and did experience some unwelcome side effects which ultimately made me quit. However, its a negative reinforcement drug right? If you eat poorly while you're taking it, you will experience the negative effect and hopefully that will motivate you to eat better to avoid the same effect from happening again. So, it actually does work as a behavior modifier. Cheat=Poop you pants=Don't cheat=Lose weight ;)

    Thats my thoughts on it.


    Food with fats in them are not inherently bad for you.
    eta: NOR do they make you fat.

    I don't think I said food with fat was inherently bad, or that they make you fat, what I was saying was say you were having pizza for dinner,and two pizza slices was a recommended serving and didn't go over your daily cals/fat budget, but while taking Alli or Xenical you decided to go nuts (eat poorly as I said in my other post) and you ate six slices. You'd be well over your recommended fat for the day, and that much excess fat IS unhealthy, being that these medications block fat from being absorbed/digested by binding to the ingested fat and carrying out of your system, you would then experience the dreaded anal leakage.

    I'm aware that there are tons of healthy and necessary fats out there, but in moderation.

    I also do not advocate taking these drugs at all, I was just relaying my experiences.

  • Scoobies87
    I use alli. It works phenomenally and you really only have to use it if you stray off course and eat something high in fat and grease. The only side affect that i've noticed is grease in your stool. As long as you're careful you shouldn't have any "accidents". I highly recommend it to anyone who is dieting but having trouble avoiding the occasional cheat day. Obviously cutting the fat and grease from your diet is the best option, but if it was that easy we all would be skinny. Just my opinion

    I'm pretty sure that's not what the tablets are for. They are supposed to be taken daily alongside a low fat healthy diet. Not to be taken on a cheat day so you can s*** it all out. Why not just take a laxative instead????
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    yes anal leakage is def what happens...it smells and it is like a orange oil...they recommand you wear dark pants and or a pad to help sepage...it is a fat blocker basically so you just poo it out...but the whole point of the diet is not to eat fat...if you still to the recommanded diet you should not have the poo problems...but it is nasty!!!

    It is not healthy to not eat fat though. Your body NEEDS plenty of fatty acids found in fat for your body to function properly. Lack of fat in the diet causes depression and a whole host of other serious issues and more petty issues such as dry and brittle, hair, skin and nails.

    All the makers of Xenical and Alli are doing is perpetuating the low fat fraud. It is a shame that so many people buy into it.
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I use Alli. (Although I often forget.) Since I log everything on MFP, I know how much fat is in each meal I eat. Alli recommends no more than 15g of fat per meal. If I ingest that much or more (which rarely happens) I simply do not take it.

    I have never had a side effect of any kind with Alli. If you follow their guidelines, you don't have bathroom issues. If you eat more than 15g of fat in a meal, just skip the pill that meal and you will be fine.

    I recommend it to those who are able to eat a low fat diet and monitor their intake to know they are 'safe' to take an alli pill. If you have problems cheating on your diet, or not logging (or not knowing) the fat content of what you eat, it's not for you.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    But if you're skipping the pill on the meals where you eat too much fat, and using it when you're eating low-fat anyway, then how much is the pill actually helping you? I thought the whole point was for it to 'block' the fat, so if you take it when there's not much to 'block' anyway and dont' take it when you've over-done it, how much is it helping? It's like they're telling you to take it when you don't really need it that bad and to avoid it when you really do need whatever it is that it does. Not criticizing, just truly curious as it all sounds strange to me.
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    But if you're skipping the pill on the meals where you eat too much fat, and using it when you're eating low-fat anyway, then how much is the pill actually helping you? I thought the whole point was for it to 'block' the fat, so if you take it when there's not much to 'block' anyway and dont' take it when you've over-done it, how much is it helping? It's like they're telling you to take it when you don't really need it that bad and to avoid it when you really do need whatever it is that it does. Not criticizing, just truly curious as it all sounds strange to me.

    I rarely skip the pill since I rarely eat that much fat, but I understand what you are saying. That is not what the pill is meant for. It's not supposed to be a magic pill that allow you to continue eating doritoes and pizza at every meal and still lose weight. And it is not meant for "cheat" days, either. (Thats is why people get the side effects.) You cannot continue to eat a high fat diet and take alli and expect to lose weight.

    It is meant to to help you along the way with you low-fat diet and exercise lifestyle.

    For example, this morning I ate a healthy breakfast - a nutri-grain waffle with peanut butter. Total there was 11g of fat in it. I took an Alli so my body actually only ingested about 7g of fat and not the full 11g. So yay, It blocked almost 3g of fat! Is 3g that much? No. And would it have been a big deal had I not taken the Alli? No. But it helps. That's what it is meant for. Just to help you along and give you an extra boost in the diet you are already doing.

    If it block 3 or 4 grams of fat at each meal x 3 or 4 meals a day - that's 10ish grams of fat a day or 70 grams of fat a week. Fat contains about 9 calories per gram, so that is 90+ calories a day that I ate, but Alli blocked. I only eat about 1000 calories a day, so that's a lot for me. That is how it helps. If you're expecting a miracle, you will be let down.
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I should add that on the flip side - if I just have steamed veggies for dinner, I won't bother taking an Alli. There is no point if there's no fat for it to block! I usually only take it when my fat intake is from about 7g to 15g per meal. It's expensive and I see no point in taking it if my fat consumption is REALLY low.
  • sunkis1769
    sunkis1769 Posts: 29 Member
    I have taken it and I did lose weight. However, I did have the horrible side effects.. If I ate anything with fat in it there would be consequenses! I quit taking it and gained all my weight back plus some. I think it really messes with your metabolism. I have learned over the years that the only wait to lose weight and keep it off is diet and excercise. This are no quick fixes.