

  • I havent logged for a while now and am trying to get my self back in to it but i used to eat my work out calories most of the time and still lost x
  • I feel very alone, even though my family and partner are all over weight and we have all "tried" to diet and given up i have now found MFP and am pleased to stay have pretty much stuck to it. It's working im losing weight but am getting no encouragement from my family or partner, this is why its great having friend here on…
  • Hi feel free to add me i log on everyday although sometimes from phone so cant always post but i think its great to have a support network on here espechially when i dont get the support from family and friends who think im goin to give up xx
  • Hey i really do think this works, i havent actually changed what i am eating but because i have an easy way (i also have the andrioid app on my phone) to track my food intake im eating alot less i dont forget to log anything because as soon as i eat i add it no matter where i am. i've never consitantly lost weight before…
  • Thanks for the replys i shall start from tomorrow =]