family support

Does anyone feel that they are doing this alone?


  • 73vanessa
    73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
    Does anyone feel that they are doing this alone?

    I often do because my kids are kids. Kids eat differently, especially little kids. My significant other eats what ever he desires. So I often feel along because I am the only one in the house who is trying to eat healthier. My kids are not junk food kids, by no means, but they do eat differently and things that they can have, I can't.
  • bellababey
    I feel very alone, even though my family and partner are all over weight and we have all "tried" to diet and given up i have now found MFP and am pleased to stay have pretty much stuck to it. It's working im losing weight but am getting no encouragement from my family or partner, this is why its great having friend here on MFP to give me the extra encouragement i need and if i start feeling down i'l go to the shops even if i cant afford to buy anything the buzz i get from trying a size 16 on which 2 months ago i would fit into gives me the encouragement i need to carry on. At the end of the day I (and you) can be the healthier person coming from this and thats what we need to remember when we're feeling a little down :) feel free to add me on here x
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Does anyone feel that they are doing this alone?

    Absolutely! My wife give me no support on this. I'm not one to ask her to cook for me but she likes to cook so I've asked her to help me by cooking certain things and in a certain way, she won't. Basically she cooks for her and her son and I cook for myself. She continuously buys junk food, makes cookies, and **** that I love and it drives me nuts. On top of that she, never me, complains about her weight and the way she looks but she doesn't do a damn thing abou it and continues to eat poorly. It drives me nuts. She gets mad if she wants to go out during the week for a drink or something and I tell her I can't because I need to get up and workout, plus I just don't want to drink during the week and she gets mad.
  • lisa_milbourn
    My better half can eat pretty much what he likes as he does silly amount (in my mind) of exercise, he tries really hard to support but I just don't think he understands how hard it is to be fat, look in the mirror and hate what you see. The rest of my family are all over the country and sometimes it just feels like it just me - not sure that all makes sense but here's hoping!
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    With the exception of my husband and my MFP friends, I am doing this alone. I'm at peace with it though because I'm doing this for lil' ol' me! :flowerforyou:
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I know the "going at it alone" feeling. When I joined Weight Watchers as a 13 year old (6 years ago this summer), I had my mom, my ex-best friend and her mom to help keep me motivated. However, my mom quickly fell off the bandwagon and my friend hit her goal way sooner than I (because she had less to lose). So then it was just me. It was also difficult because I was the only teenager attending the meetings and I felt like I didn't fit in. I have two sisters too that would eat chocolate donuts and cookies and I was tempted when I would walk to the pantry. So, I declared a drawer in our kitchen to be only mine. No one else could go in there unless I said it was okay, and that is where I keep my snacks. So I go to that drawer before anywhere else in the house.

    I lost 61 pounds on my own back then and I've been battling with my weight ever since. My family is somewhat supportive, by saying encouraging words, but there are other times they don't understand and it can be frustrating.

    You have to be vocal with your family members and they will love you either way. Ask them to support you every step of the way and maybe ask one to accompany you on a long walk. My twin sister will go for jogs with me, or my little sister will play Just Dance 2 on the wii for a bit. Better yet, gather some friends who support you and have a healthy dinner one night or do a fun activity for exercise!
  • 73vanessa
    73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
    Does anyone feel that they are doing this alone?

    Absolutely! My wife give me no support on this. I'm not one to ask her to cook for me but she likes to cook so I've asked her to help me by cooking certain things and in a certain way, she won't. Basically she cooks for her and her son and I cook for myself. She continuously buys junk food, makes cookies, and **** that I love and it drives me nuts. On top of that she, never me, complains about her weight and the way she looks but she doesn't do a damn thing abou it and continues to eat poorly. It drives me nuts. She gets mad if she wants to go out during the week for a drink or something and I tell her I can't because I need to get up and workout, plus I just don't want to drink during the week and she gets mad.

    I can relate to this. Although I am the one who is doing the cooking, when I cook a healthy meal.... I will be the one eating it... spouse is happy with burgers and fries and kids, well... kids are just kids. I get frustrated because It is like I am cooking 2 or 3 differnt things just for one "family" dinner.... drives me crazy and is a waste of time. I think if the "baby daddy" would join in my efforts, then the children would follow suite.

    Best of luck to you.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Does anyone feel that they are doing this alone?

    Absolutely! My wife give me no support on this. I'm not one to ask her to cook for me but she likes to cook so I've asked her to help me by cooking certain things and in a certain way, she won't. Basically she cooks for her and her son and I cook for myself. She continuously buys junk food, makes cookies, and **** that I love and it drives me nuts. On top of that she, never me, complains about her weight and the way she looks but she doesn't do a damn thing abou it and continues to eat poorly. It drives me nuts. She gets mad if she wants to go out during the week for a drink or something and I tell her I can't because I need to get up and workout, plus I just don't want to drink during the week and she gets mad.

    I can relate to this. Although I am the one who is doing the cooking, when I cook a healthy meal.... I will be the one eating it... spouse is happy with burgers and fries and kids, well... kids are just kids. I get frustrated because It is like I am cooking 2 or 3 differnt things just for one "family" dinner.... drives me crazy and is a waste of time. I think if the "baby daddy" would join in my efforts, then the children would follow suite.

    Best of luck to you.

    Wow you're much nicer than I would be. My dad would always tell me when I was a kid that this isn't a Denny's, either eat what the cook makes or don't eat. They should appreciate the fact that you make them they're own meal on-top of what you make yourself.
  • lisa_milbourn
    With the exception of my husband and my MFP friends, I am doing this alone. I'm at peace with it though because I'm doing this for lil' ol' me! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks - I think this might be the approach I might need to get my head round!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    With the exception of my husband and my MFP friends, I am doing this alone. I'm at peace with it though because I'm doing this for lil' ol' me! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks - I think this might be the approach I might need to get my head round!

    Unfortunately that is the reality of fitness and good diet practice, you're doing it alone. Even if other's DO support you, if you're doing it for anybody other than yourself then you're doing it for the wrong person. You have to want to do this for yourself and not because anybody else is pressuring you or what not. :)