

  • Ya if you do level 2 back to back I recommend NMTZ's! I LOVE it! I actually think level one of 30 Day is WAY too easy and does not give me the same workout at all! Maybe I should move onto level 2 since I am already doing No More Trouble Zones :) I have heard that Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is AWESOME too I plan on…
  • I have been doing No More Trouble Zones for about two weeks now (and wow does that destroy you). However, since the workout is 40 minutes I bought 30DS to alternate :) I think NMTZ's is basically like level 2 or 3 of 30DS for DOUBLE the time lol. Anyway, I would love to be a part of a group of people who are doing the…
  • Absolutely I see a difference! WELL DONE :)
  • Do you have an iphone? I have the myfitnesspal app which allows you to log on the go! SUPER helpful :)
  • My cheat days usually involve calories from alcohol so I make sure to hydrate hydrate hydrate! AND make sure I do extra cardio to make up for all the empty calories I am consuming ;) It also helps to go out and dance while I am enjoying my libations because you are burning the calories as you drink them! I just make…
  • That is AMAZING 14 inches?!?! CONGRATS! I agree, stupid technology! I am throwing away my scale lol! Nothing but tape measures from now on ;)
  • Wow you guys are great!!!! This is why I LOVE MFP! This is EXCELLENT advice and I feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one going through this! ESPECIALLY the 14 inches but only 7 lbs! THAT IS AMAZING! Wow thank you SO much I cant begin to tell you how much I appreciate everyones response!!! I wish I had time…
  • Hmm, I think zumba is one of the best cardio there is. If your friends arent losing weight perhaps they should check their caloric intake... Im not sure I have ever heard that. I am guessing they are not fully participating...
    in Zumba Comment by KaytiGirl May 2011
  • Well done!!!! I wish you luck in your 20 lbs lost before June 15th :) What exercise regimen are you on? I have grown quite fond of zumba and belly dancing classes at my local YMCA!