

  • I'm joining in! Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm 24, 5'10" and weigh in currently at 133-135lbs - was 140lbs would like to be 125lbs though currently fairly happy!
  • This is a really positive site to be a part of and one of the more comprehensive ones I could find in terms of logging. So helpful too to go through and check out all the forum posts - both encouraging and informative! Good luck!
  • I have no one around me who is positive about exercise, making healthy choices etc too. ESPECIALLY my partner who has put on a little weight since we met three years ago and use to be quite proactive about exercising but now is quite sloth-like most days! I find it challenging because if he catches me working out he'll…
    in friends Comment by day1987 July 2011
  • I recently got the wii zumba and am finding it touch as I am not especially co-orientated. I think for an instructor like the person above me, it would be boring quite quickly as you 'know it' but for me it's a real learning curve. I'm on the basic dances at easy level and struggling to keep up! Definitely sweating after…