
I just read an article about 20 habits that make you fat. One of them was having heavier friends. I think I am the only one of my friends (who lives in my state) that is health conscience. I try to motivate them, but I think they just don’t care. They don’t realize how hard it is for ME whenever we go out.., always making the right choice. I want to eat crap too! I don’t want to ditch my friends, but I think I need to seek out people who live a healthy lifestyle. Does anybody else have this problem? How do you handle it? Please & thank you!


  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    That must be really hard. I'm lucky in that my closest friend is a really health conscious person (she is on here too) so when I go out with her we choose healthy options together and she is great for advice. I know I would struggle a lot if I were in your shoes.

    Tough decision to make but could you try and limit the time you are with them or try and keep it to not eating venues when you meet up?

    Good luck

  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member

    You gotta remember why you are friends with them in the first place. And you can't MAKE them change. And they don't HAVE to eat around you.

    You are the one that's making the change and you are the one that has to deal with people eating it's no longer being friends with them, or being around them, it's a tough choice to make.

    If you think you can't handle eating healthy around them, then you have to do what you have to do. I would try to find a healthier alternative on the menu, or suggest places to eat where you know there are healthy items to eat. That way it's the best of both worlds.

    Yes it's going to be hard to see them woof down a cheeseburger....but maybe after a bit of time, they see your results and start to change a bit...then you'll be the one influencing them without ever saying a word!
  • fit_twin
    fit_twin Posts: 9 Member
    It's not easy! I always find myself making 'excuses' as to why I'm fit or health conscience. Why do I have to come up with an excuse?! You tend to be the bad guy or the odd ball.

    Hold you head up high, Chica and place your orders out loud and with pride and hopefully your good habits influence them!!

  • roslynkhoosty

    My best friend is not particularly health aware and is frequently suggesting take-away or unhealthy options. The temptation is hard to resist sometimes. When you don't partake you are accused of taking your diet too far ! I have 10 pounds to lose so I am harldy too thin that's for sure.

    We just have to stay strong and stick with a healthier way of life even if it means being unpopular at times.

    Good luck.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I just read an article about 20 habits that make you fat. One of them was having heavier friends. I think I am the only one of my friends (who lives in my state) that is health conscience. I try to motivate them, but I think they just don’t care. They don’t realize how hard it is for ME whenever we go out.., always making the right choice. I want to eat crap too! I don’t want to ditch my friends, but I think I need to seek out people who live a healthy lifestyle. Does anybody else have this problem? How do you handle it? Please & thank you!

    I hate it when they discount me & say I have a naturally high metabolism. I bust my @$$ daily running & making smart choices. Yesterday I bought some new running gear, but I felt bad sharing my excitement with my BF. I workout alone.., mostly eat alone & struggle alone...
  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    I know how hard it can be- I am surrounded by heavy people, but oddly enough, many of the heavy people in my life started working on getting healthy before I did! Maybe you can plan to do things that don't involve eating, or just be strong and carry on with what you are doing, and like joehempel and carmelle33 said, as they start to see a change in you, they will want to make a change themselves!
    If you are going to do something that involves eating, maybe you should do it in a controlled environment, like at your house. Prepare lots of tasty, healthy things to snack on for when they come over. Don't go on and on about how healthy your options are, just let them sit there and be delicious :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I started making more of an effort with my fitness when I made friends who run. It inspired me to start running too. Now several of my friends and family who didn't exercise have started doing so having seen me doing it and losing weight, so I think it is a knock on effect.
  • day1987
    day1987 Posts: 5
    I have no one around me who is positive about exercise, making healthy choices etc too. ESPECIALLY my partner who has put on a little weight since we met three years ago and use to be quite proactive about exercising but now is quite sloth-like most days!

    I find it challenging because if he catches me working out he'll make a comment and he's got into the very bad habit of playfully calling me weight-related pet names such as chunky butt. I KNOW that I don't have a whole lot of fat going on so try not to take it too seriously but it can be demotivating when you're looking for those changes in yourself and no one really cares around you!

    The way forward might be joining classes and running groups in order to meet like-minded people with ditching your original buddies?