

  • Just found this thread as well I had been on the original one also. We did a big move from Indiana to Georgia and we are finally getting settled here so I am trying my hardest to get back on my wagon lol... I started TF today...I normally try to start or change so many things that either I get way to sore, fed up, or just…
  • Hey everyone I am not doing so great this week on this challenge...I will be back full strength come Monday 1. allergies and medicine make me a zombie (it is not fun) 2. I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get some baskets and what not together for some local Veterans for Veterans Day 3. I…
  • I would love to join if possible?? I also have the Exhilirate package :) tried it loved it and who knows why I stopped it Starting Weight 219 Don't have my measurements at this moment
  • Hey all Yesterday I burned 1455 cleaning my house hehe ...I have to mop the rooms today and vacuum the sofas but I am guessing not going to have that kind of burn at all ...so I guess I need to start working out again Whatever this crud is that I have it keeps going away and coming back just waiting for the doctors to give…
  • Starting Weight 214.8 Calories Burned 9/19-1455 total -1455
  • Thanks everyone sorry just saw the new link a few minutes ago ;) Everyone keep up the great work...yall are rocking this out my fellow HHHers Mini challenge for the...add on an extra 10 mins to your workout...and if that is not possible take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far away from the store (as long as it is…
  • Good Morning everyone I hope everyone has a great week :) 09/05: 221.0 09/12: 220.0 09/19: 214.8 09/26: 10/03: <<<210.0>>> 10/10: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31: <<<200.0>>> 11/07: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: <<<190.0>>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<180.0>>>
  • Better late than never right...I do believe today I am getting back into my exercise routine (can't believe I have actually missed it lol) I haven't taken my measurements yet so 9/12-220.2 9/19-214.8 Honestly for the past week of being on medication for the crud...all I have done is eat really clean and healthy (minus a…
  • I did the opposite of you I moved from Houston Texas to Indiana and did about the same thing you did gained weight back that I had already lost...I don't think it has anything to do with where you are at meaning I am not blaming it on Indiana ...I did it...a move, lack of friends, etc lead to me eating the lbs back on On…
  • I am in for this :) Current weight is 214 lb This should be fun :)
  • I have the newer Zumba DVD system but from everyone I have talked to if you are doing it at home the older version is better ...I honestly wish I would have gotten the older one...the new one is great but it seems the older one has a bit more variety Ok when I do the 60 min DVD I burn on average 600 calories I weigh (well…
  • I think you make the IMG img I could be wrong though
  • Good Morning ladies Welcome Monica you rock lady Kim-10lbs your great job interviews, getting a second interview you are on the way so happy for you I hope everyone had a great Friday…I am starting to feel better so I guess I am getting used to my medicine which is good my house must be cleaned/picked up today I just can’t…
  • Ok I just realized I think it has been almost a week since I worked out…this September has not been my friend I don’t think…who gets sick back to back lol...me I do I do this is not a proud thing at all….at this moment I feel fine and the doctor didn’t tell me an exact date range to take it easy she said just rest let your…
  • Well yesterday no exercise the new medication and shot made me feel like crap and today I got the shakes and sweats when I was in the store now back home feeling better so we shall see tomorrow I go for a CT scan lol ...I am getting all my water in and then some I did get a sprite today (I am trying to not have sodas) but…
  • Well I weigh more than you do buy about 20ish lbs and I love my turbo fire...if you can't keep up with her you can always follow Ally (I follow Ally because of my weight I have to toss around and I have a bad knee) Are you starting the Turbo Fire Calender? She also has the Prep Schedule to help prepare you for the actual…
  • Kim – I love how you are the cheerleader even when you feel like poo ...you rock Ok as it is early and I haven’t started my workout yet I don’t have much to post there….my shot that I got yesterday made me feel like I was working out all day long I know she said it has some steroids in it (the kind that make you get…
  • Myboysmomx2-thank you again for letting me participate within this group and for making an updated banner and again congrats on the 40lb loss RDH77-Thank you for the welcome and I hope that you feel better soon GypsysBlood-Thank you for the welcome, how is your back feeling? I hope that you are taking care of yourself…even…
  • Congrats to all the losers and the lucky people that got to be highlighted I am coming after yall :)....any tips from the biggest losers?? Love the chart it is so pretty I love the Christmas/Winter Theme
  • Keep up the great work ladies I did TF 55EZ on Saturday with my TA I did TA on Sunday and cleaned (that was not on my TF calendar but it had to be done lol)....this morning I had a doctors appt. and well there was a detour and I was bout 30 min late sat around etc. (not sure why they make appointments when you sit around…
  • Hi everyone and thanks for letting me join later in the challenge.... So my starting weight is 220.2 my goal weight for November 12th is optimistically 195 My daily goals are to stay within my calorie range and drink at least 12 servings of water and to completely cut out sodas I don't drink them often but when I have one…
  • Current Weight: 221.00 Challenge Goal Weight: 180.00 09/05: 221.0 09/12: 220.0 09/19: 09/26: 10/03: <<<210.0>>> 10/10: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31: <<<200.0>>> 11/07: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: <<<190.0>>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<180.0>>> A one pound loss
  • Wow so much posting has gone on since I last posted I hope everyone is ready for the weigh in tomorrow yippee (trying to get excited) I have been doing well all week on exercise and food but I fear that as I am supposed to start my lady time tomorrow might not be what I want I will try to go back and re-read everything…
  • Hey I just saw this challenge I know its a closed group but would love to join if I can (don't have to worry about changing up the badge or anything) Active Duty Army Wife here we have a ball Nov 5th If it is to late to join I understand and I wish you all the best of luck in getting it done and rocking that dress :)
  • Ok I am trying to read and catch up…welcome to all the new people amazing I love it Ok so Thursday I didn’t even really clean it was horrible I would walk up my stairs and my body just felt heavy and ick had waves of feeling good …I went to sleep at 8pm and woke up at 7am I guess I needed my sleep because yesterday I got…
  • Well goodness I feel so behind lol.... welcome to all the new people hello this is a quick note sorry I have been MIA I got the flu and that within its self is just not fun....today I am going to try to get the house clean and rid of the germs and I am trying to track my energy to see if I up to a workout I feel fine but…
  • Just found this link...sorry I am late I have had the flu and lets be honest that is just not that much fun at all...thank you so much for setting this up and the chart looks wonderful Hi all I am 32 trying to drop about 80-90lbs I have already lost about 80lbs (more but have gained about 30 or so back from moving getting…
  • KCT congrats on hitting the 30lbs and that is a great idea about spreading out the yummy bad food places we just have to learn how to allow some foods and keep on a trucking I am that person that goes...well I ate crap for breakfast so I might as well just keep on eating like crap but I would like to join also Current…
  • Well Y'all today sucked for me lets see I got up my husband had to work some crazy hours so I had to call him (he is away to make sure he got up to go back into work this morning) then I forgot that it was my Step-Dad's birthday in two days and my Mom's a few days later ran to target (here is the funny part) umm yeah ended…
  • I am not stationed there but I have a friend that is Stationed there they live in Junction City and she (he is deployed) really likes it and about once a month she be-bops over to Manhattan City as a little get away for her self...she is a spouse that doesn't really go on to post very much brand new Army wife first duty…