MarleyCats Member


  • If your goal is losing weight, then you should try to weigh yourself on the same scale every time. Consistency is key. That way, regardless of which scale is more accurate, you'll know if you're losing or not. Good luck!
  • I have a couple of suggestions. First, if you have insurance, see if it will cover you visiting a dietician or weight loss consultant. They can often give you far more accurate calorie goals than online fitness/weightloss programs can. Plus, they can possibly suggest new foods that will let you break up your routine and…
  • I have totally been where you are. I travel fairly often with teams that I coach and we usually wind up doing pizza or some other kind of fast food for dinner. They like it because it's cheap and easy, but I hate it because it makes it so hard to eat right! Most of the time, I'm good and have a salad or (at Wendy's) chili…
  • Hey everyone! Had a rough first two weeks, either maintaining or just dropping a pound. But this week, I put it into gear and did pretty well. I hope everyone keeps up the awesome work they've already been doing! Start weight: 185 Week 3 weight: 177.5 Goal Weight: 150
  • If I'm worried about going over the calorie count, I usually just enter a slightly lower number of minutes for the workout. So if I worked out for half an hour, I'll enter 25 or even 20 minutes. That way I still get to eat back some of those calories, but I can be pretty sure that I'm not going over. Have you done much…
  • Howdy! Sorry to be late on the weigh-in. Start weight: 185 Currently: 182 Goal: 150 Here's hoping every week shows a loss!
  • Try taking the foods you do like (mac and cheese, maybe?) and sneaking some vegetables into it. For mac 'n' cheese, just boil up some cauliflower, and then puree it in a blender or food processor. Mix it in with the cheese and it makes it a lot easier to get in your veggies. Or shred up carrots and zucchini and mix them in…
  • Sounds like a great idea! I'm in! Congratulations to everyone, and thank you for all of the awesome posts so far! It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to shed some pounds before The Big Day. My wedding's not until 9/29/12, but I figure if I start early, then I'll be ready to go before I hit the meltdown stage!…
  • We have the same wedding date! Obviously, I think you made a great choice! Like everyone else, I'm hoping to slim down before The Big Day. Height: 5' 9" Start W: 185 Goal W: 150 Current W: 182 Just started, but am hoping to keep up the weight loss! Best of luck to everyone here!