livingyoung28 Member


  • - Scary! LOL
  • Good morning! @NewOR2015 - That's right there is no giving up! I'm a firm believer in changing small things over time for a healthier lifestyle this will lead to great results! @2020pinktogo - I'm sure it is just water weight - our weight can fluctuate daily depending on sodium intake. So last night I went out to eat for…
  • Hi All - Doing pretty good with calories the last few days and managed to get to the gym for some walking last night on treadmill with mom (light work out). I missed gym sunday, Monday and Tuesday - not good. Tonight I am going out to dinner with my husbands mom for her birthday (I'm really going to try to keep calories…
  • @2020pinktogo - LOL!!!!! You gave me a good laugh this afternoon.
  • @CaptainBoing - It must be very motivating to have such a great support group. You are very lucky.
  • @CaptainBoing - Congrats on 1 year anniversary! I had a bad day yesterday - but I'm back at it today! Very emotional (so then I binge on sugar, not good). I made pumpkin chia seed breakfast pudding for today and chicken with quinoa and vegetables. Soooo cold in New England today:( .
  • My goal this week is to limit my calorie intake to around 1200 calories a day (that's what I calculated to loose a lb or so a week and get to the gym at least 5 days this week.
  • @JMarcella57 - you got this 10lbs no problem. 20lbs is my goal by summer. @NewOR2015 - my calorie intake has been fluctuating but like you I am going to work it off and keep aiming for clean and healthy eating within my calorie limit. Snacking is my problem, but I am going to keep at it. Two workouts complete today!…
  • 2nd workout complete!
  • Happy 2016! I got up full of energy this morn - so off to the gym and did 30 min on ARC trainer and 30 minutes on treadmill! Calories are good so far and planning on 2nd workout session later tonight, I will update later. My goal by summer is to be healthy, active and fit (shedding around 20lbs). Kris we miss you!
  • I'm working today and it is very quiet in the office. I am looking forward to having the next few days off. Quiet night with hubby tonight. I am challenging myself to do two workouts a day for the next three days (Friday- Sunday) to jump start the new year! My New Years resolution is to be the best I can be! I am going to…
  • @MrsVelapanur - that's awesome! Barre work out sounds interesting. So went to the doc yesterday and she came in the examining room all excited because I am in perimenopause? I'm clearly not that excited. She told me this was a good thing, (this is not what I have heard from everyone around me, HORROR STORIES is what I…
  • @2020pinktogo - your nephew is a great reason to stay healthy, he is very lucky to have you! @living360 - love those lyrics! I will let you know how I make out tomorrow. I have never felt so out of control emotionally. @NewOr2015- wow you have been through quite a lot but looks like you have turned it all around - slow and…
  • Hi everyone! I know this is a personal question but I'm wondering if anyone has or is going through menopause? I have been overly emotional lately (more like the last year), eating everything, lack of energy and depressed (I know sounds like a sad song). I have twenty pounds to loose to get to my happy weight and am…
  • Happy Holidays!
  • I'm on the east coast Coventry, RI and we may see 70 degree weather on Christmas eve? Crazy. I also like a little snow. I graduated with my associates degree in electronics this week. Hurray!!!! This has been a long time coming. This was part of the reason why I was not getting to the gym. I work full time and was going to…
  • Good morning all, I have been off track but this week will commit to working out at least 4 times this week - 1 hour a day. I also joined up for Daily Burn, I do not know if anyone has tried this but is worth checking out. They have a new work out every day depending on your goals and a motivating community. I have put on…
  • Hi All, I have returned from California, thank you for all your support. I'm still fighting the need to sleep after that quick trip to California. My sister is doing ok and hopefully she will heal in time. It was great to hear from so many people how my nephew touched their lives at such a young age. I will make my goal…
  • Hi all, back from California and want to thank you all for your support. My sister is doing as well as could be expected and I will be here to support her. I am ready to jump back in and get to the gym. Focus on health will keep me in a positive mode. I'm glad to see everyone is still going strong and keeping in touch. I…
  • Good morning all, Its been a few days since I checked in....This week I'm asking everyone to say a prayer for my sister in California, her 25 year old son was killed in a car accident last Sunday morning. My husband and I are off to California for a few days to attend funeral and support my sister. Just so sad, no…
  • @NewOR2015 I need to get my Christmas tree up and will be seeing a few stairs myself to get this done. Good job with the cookies! I'm off to the gym after work with my mom tonight (she is 73), that means it will be a short walk on the treadmill (20 min or so, she is just starting out and doing quite well but this 20…
  • @KrisM111 - Thank you so much for this encouragement - I have a new attitude this morn and know I can get back on track. This group is great!!! Feels good to have people to lean on...we will keep each other going - know that you have put a smile on my face today!
  • @MrsVelapanur - Thank you! I have what they call graves disease which is a form of hyperthyroid and take medication to control (sometimes can slow down metabolism). I was eating more whole foods (80%) for a few years and felt great but at some point fell back into the processed foods (I guess the novelty of eating healthy…
  • Sorry I know that was not motivating material, just trying to be honest. I will get back to it...
  • ok gym last night but then two pieces of pumpkin pie and this morning two glazed donuts, I know so bad! I am totally eating out of emotion and stress. Now I'm in that place where I tell myself its ok to be bad for the rest of the day cuz I'll start again tomorrow.....
  • I have to laugh alittle because I start thinking about the fact that we have to force ourselves to exercise so that our bodies get enough movement so that we will not blow up like ticks. Sorry it just seems funny when you really think about it - I mean they did not have gyms back in the day! LOL good for them!
  • KrisM111 at least you got on the treadmill today, even if it sucked, LOL.
  • Hi All, Happy Tuesday! (I'm trying to convince myself its a good day:), whatever it takes right?) I went to the gym last night and did half hour on treadmill (I'm capable of more but just was not into it). Work is stressing me out today. I usually feel better after the gym but sometimes feel defeated by the day. I agree…
  • Hi everyone! I will continue to work on getting to the gym on a daily basis this week as well as trying to stay at calculated calorie intake. Did not get to the gym today:( but will make it my priority for the rest of the week. Feel so good when I go!
  • Hi everyone, I have been working but made it to the gym this morning for another hour of cardio. Did not get to the gym yesterday, I justified not going in my head for some reason:(. Just going to keep trying to make it there daily. How's everyone else doing?