0409Gina Member


  • Well I am determined to get back on track. Kim from N California, thank you for the words of wisdom. I am from Las Vegas, NV. I am originally from Southern California. Sorry this post is so short but I have to get back to work. Have a good day everyone!
  • Help!!!!! Just joined last week. Was on track for 6 days but awful the last two. I just found out I have Type 2 diabetes. I had the same scare about 5 yrs ago and was able to bring my numbers way down to pre diabetic and stay there. I feel like I cannot get focused these last two days. Just some words of advice so that I…
  • Thank you everyone for the welcome! Kind of new to this but it felt so nice to be acknowledged already. Patty I hope have fun tomorrow and enjoy your DGKids. Cynthia, hope your doggie feels much better. It is so worrisome when they are not feeling good. Hope you have a good weekend. Katla, have fun at the Maritime festival…
  • Hello to all... I have just joined MFP and will probably be here for some time. I have about 140 lbs to lose and right now it seem overwhelming. I am 58 yrs old and not happy that I let myself get into this predicament. I have been eating to handle most of life's curve balls and I want to change that with healthy options.…